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Delegates of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia participated in Pan Armenian Church Youth Organization – 2018 meeting PDF Print E-mail

IMG 4983On November 23-25, 2018, with the blessings of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, a joint youth four-day conference of Pan Armenian Church Youth Organization with the participation of the Dioceses of Russia and New Nakhijevan, South Russia, Pan-European, Middle East and Africa, as well as Armenian Diocese in Georgia took place in the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral of the Armenian Diocese in Russia and New Nakhijevan of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church, in Moscow.
Spiritual servant Rev. Father Tatev Marukyan and Director of Youth46503529 1303191483176915 7390283284866924544 o Department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia Valeri Badalyan took part in the gathering with the blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.
The meeting began with the Lord's Prayer. The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Egypt His Grace Bishop Ashot Mnatsakanyan conveyed to attendees patriarchal blessings and message of His Holiness.
During the four-day conference, young people discussed issues such as "Armenian Family in Diaspora", "Challenges of the Present-day Armenian 46507282 1303192336510163 9065203801685753856 oFamily", "Importance of Preparation before the Wedding", as well as cooperation and experience exchange between youth unions.
It is noteworthy that on the first day of the conference, two delegates of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia properly represented the activities of the Armenian Diocese, particularly the activity of the Youth Department, in response to which they were informed that Armenians all over the world were thoroughly familiar with the activities of the Diocese, its priorities, achievements 46508396 1303191006510296 3194577386066673664 oand concerning issues.
Indeed, the days of the meeting were saturated. Participants had an opportunity to attend the Morning and Evening Services, Sunday Divine Liturgy, visited Monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church and watched the "Unfinished Trail" performance at the "Gavit" theatre of the Diocesan Headquarters.
On November 25, the last day of the conference, Pan Armenian Church Youth Organization representative meeting was solemnly closed at the Church 46668660 1303191919843538 327074163455950848 ocomplex in Moscow. The meeting brought together Armenians and their spiritual fathers, and it was a good occasion for young people to communicate, establish new acquaintances and develop joint programs. The high level of organizational, meaningful and saturated events made the meeting dynamic, lively and interesting.
With the blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Russia and New Nakhijevan His Grace Archbishop Yezras Nersisyan, 80 young people from various communities of the Armenian Diocese n Russia took part in the meeting and 20 of them were representing the "Hayordats tun" (House of Armenians) in Moscow. At the solemn closing ceremony of the youth gathering the artistic ensembles of the "Hayordats tun" performed.
The Armenian Diocese in Georgia expresses its deep gratitude to the Pan Armenian Church Youth Organization for organizing and implementing the conference at the high level.

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