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Requiem Service was offered in memory of Charles Aznavour in churches of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia PDF Print E-mail

A1On October 7, 2018, the Sunday Divine Liturgy in the Armenian churches of 20181007 104830 012Tbilisi had special mystery. The incense, blessed in the Cathedral of Saint James (Srbots Hakobyants) of Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, was burn, Holy Communion was held with the Communion Bread from there and at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy the faithful lit 20181007 124357their candles from the candle brought from the Holy sepulcher of the Savior.
The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia presided over the Requiem Service offered with the participation of the clergy for the peace of soul of the National Hero of the Republic 20181007 125404of Armenia, world famous chansonnier Charles Aznavour.   
At the conclusion of the service, the Diocesan Primate spoke about the great son of Armenian nation, who was glorified during IMG 4857his life and after his death as a worthy son of Armenian people. The art admirers of whole the world bowed to the memory of the famous singer and shared the great grief of the Armenian and French people.
On October 7, at the end of Divine Liturgy, Requiem Service was offered in the all churches of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, afterwards, Charles Aznavour's Divine voice, his unique performances sounded in the yards of churches.

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