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An experience exchange visit to the “Hayartun” Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia PDF Print E-mail

A1On October 6, 2018, the working day in the “Hayartun” Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia began with reception. The guests of the Center were the teaching staff of N2 Preschool “Fairy Tale” of Noyemberyan, Republic of Armenia, led by the director of the preschool Parandzem Khangeldyan.
The guests were welcomed by Eugenia Markosyan, Director of the Educational Department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and head of the “Hayartun” Center. Under the latter’s leadership, the guests from Motherland toured the Educational, Cultural and Youth Center, were told about the activity, aims and functions of the Center, got acquainted with the guidelines of the creative groups focused on 20181006 111545preservation of the national culture and Armenian identity.
The purpose of the visit of the “Fairy Tale” Preschool’s teaching staff was to get acquaintance with the activity of the educational department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, in particular the activity of its preschool. The guests watched “Saint Moses of Khoren” (“Surb Movses Khorenatsi”) Preschool. The teachers of the preschool told about the guidelines of their work, highlighting the importance of the Armenian education for Armenian 20181006 114904children, their upbringing with the national culture and values in the near Diaspora. The guests, in their turn, presented the activities of the border village’s preschool which operates under the auspices of the state and where the priority is the preparation of the Armenian child for the school.
The meeting was also practical. After the experience exchange in a question and answer format, the teachers of the “Fairy Tale” preschool organized several games with children and then held a master class on various issues. The students of the “Saint Moses of Khoren” Preschool also recited, sang and danced as well as answered some questions.
The directorate of the N2 preschool in Noyemberyan invited teachers of the “Saint Moses of Khoren” preschool to visit Noyemberyan and get acquainted with the work of the “Fairy Tale” preschool. The invitation was accepted with love.

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