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Svetlana Tatoeva's creative evening in the Lutheran Church PDF Print E-mail

A1On September 15, 2018, Tbilisi's Lutheran Church hosted a reception of art admirers of Tbilisi. Here the creative evening of Svetlana Tatoeva, Choirmaster of the Makar Yekmalyan Choir of the Cathedral of Saint George of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia took place.
The church has turned into a crowded concert hall, where admirers of Svetlana Tatoeva's performance art had been gathered here with the expectation to enjoy the charm of her talent again. Her beautiful voice, admirable look, mastery and skills of performance brought great recognition and appreciation to Svetlana.
Svetlana Tatoeva has passed a difficult but devoted and cherished creative way. She has performed at various stages, as well as in the Armenian theatre of Tbilisi and received high appreciations for her professional performances of classical song's samples.  The participant and laureate of various competitions found her place in the Armenian Church and became a member of its Choir. 20180915 182452
The attendees with great interest watched the video about Svetlana Tatoeva's life, which also presented classical samples performed by her in different years. From the screen the high appreciations for her art sounded by artists, composers and singers.
Continuing the hard studying of singing art at Tbilisi State Conservatory, Svetlana Tatoeva started her devoted activities to the perfection of the church choir of the Armenian Church, teaching the choir to perform for Liturgies. Soon, thanks to her efforts the church choir became more specialized, Divine Liturgies became more delightful and the hymns and psalms more heartfelt and wonderful, bringing the choir the honor to be named after Makar Yekmalyan.
Svetlana Tatoeva, along with being a talented singer, has a great talent of teaching and she can inspire love towards the song and music in young people and teach them 20180915 190435performing art. Her students are admitted to Tbilisi and Yerevan Conservatoires with brilliant results and then perform on the stages of big theatres.     
That's why Svetlana Tatoeva's student Ruben Voskanyan, who study in Komitas State Conservatory, has specially arrived from Yerevan to congratulate his beloved teacher and sing with her. Her other student, Ani Ghushchyan, graduate of master degree program at Tbilisi Vano Sarajishvili State Conservatory also performed at the concert.
The classic music of Schubert, Tsabadze, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Bizet, Straus, Rachmaninov and others performed by Svetlana Tatoeva and her students Anna Hovhannisyan, Ani Torosyan, her colleague Leyla Gotsiridze spread in the church. The performances of quatrains by Makar Yekmalyan Choir which included Mikhail Nazarov, Nika Ghazaryan, Sergo Nazarov and Hrachya Asaturov was stunning which is a great achievement of the choirmaster teacher.
The attendees admired the heartfelt song and marvelous music and enjoyed the magnificent performance of masterpieces of art. The concert was accompanied by the accompaniment of piano performed by Karen Mirzoyan, Tamar Makharadze and alto performed by Artem Alabulyants.
The audience expressed its delight through thunderous ovation and giving colorful bouquets to the artists. Marina Kirakosyan – Mosesova read her own poem dedicated to Svetlana Tatoeva.
At the conclusion of the concert, the speech of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop vcvVazgen Mirzakhanyan was shown at screen. The Diocesan Primate offered his blessings and expressed his high appreciation to the honored choirmaster, famous singer Svetlana Tatoeva, who has not been left without attention from the Motherland and has been awarded the Komitas medal.
In attendance was also Rev. Father Manuk Zeynalyan, Pastor of the Cathedral of Saint George in Tbilisi. He congratulated Mrs. Svetlana, wished her to continue perform spiritual and classic songs with high mastery always and everywhere. Rev. Father conveyed a painting of old Tbilisi in behalf of the Armenian Diocese. Svetlana Tatoeva's creative evening ended with wonderful performances of the Makar Yekmalyan Choir, led by Choirmaster Tatoeva.

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