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New academic year was launched in Georgia PDF Print E-mail

A1On September 17, 2018, the new 2018-2019 academic year was launched in all educational institutions of Georgia.  The school bell rang and solemnly announced the beginning of the school year also in the Armenian schools of Tbilisi and Georgia's regions. Currently there are more than 117 Armenian language learning schools in Georgia, where about 13,000 schoolchildren are studying.
N104 Armenian School and N103 and N132 Schools which has Armenian departments opened doors to the Armenian schoolchildren in the capital Tbilisi. 41895212 1872363419547128 3010389642018029568 n
Director of N103 Georgian-Armenian School Archil Chkhaidze gave opening remarks at the opening ceremony of the new academic year. The independent Member of Parliament David Chichinadze, Pastor of the Saint Etchmiadzin church in Avlabari of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia Rev. Father Samvel Torosyan, Coordinator of national programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Karine Manukyan congratulated the children and expressed their best wishes.
After the opening ceremony, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to Georgia Ruben Sadoyan presented the gift he promised to the school. Afterwards, the head of the “Hayartun” Center and Director of the Educational Department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia Eugenia 41971878 1872640662852737 1834855697238458368 oMarkosyan and Rev. Father Samvel Torosyan presented primers and books to the first graders.
On the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year, heads and representatives of non-governmental organizations, former teachers and graduates of the school came to N104 School.
Boys and girls, dressed in white clothes, with beautiful bouquets solemnly stood next to their teachers at the school stadium, and their parents, grandmothers and grandfathers and guests gathered in the yard.
Director of the school Irina Zhamkochyan congratulated everyone on the occasion of the starting of the new academic year, mentioned that this year will be interesting, full of new projects and ideas which will be implemented through joint efforts of schoolchildren, teachers and parents.42044580 1872641116186025 8192489743041167360 o
The Pastor of the Cathedral of Saint George of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia Rev. Father Manuk Zeynalyan congratulated the attendees. The latter conveyed the blessings and congratulations of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan and urged the schoolchildren to study well, overcome all difficulties of learning with hard efforts because only education is the guarantee of a good future. Afterwards, the first graders, led by their teachers, were taken to the beautifully decorated classroom where they will study native language and receive Armenian education and upbringing.
Rev. Father Manuk distributed to the children the primers and books, the gifts of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.
Armenian educational institutions in Samtskhe – Javakheti and Kvemo Kartli regions and villages, as well as in Adjara also were ready to start the new academic year.

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