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The issues were presented by the Armenian Diocese in Georgia at the conference PDF Print E-mail

A1On July 17, 2018, the third conference on “Interreligious Dialogue for Peace” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Georgia, entitled “The role of Religions in Georgia in 1918-2018” was held in Courtyard Hotel, Tbilisi. The conference was initiated and organized by the State Agency for Religious Issues.
Representatives of religious organizations, Georgian authorities, international organizations and diplomatic corps attended the conference.
The conference was honored with the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, accompanied by Michael Avagyan, Head of Legal Affairs and Cooperation Department of the Armenian Diocese and Deacon Gevorg Antonyan, assistant to the Diocesan Primate.2
Zaza Vakhshamadze, Chairman of the State Agency for Religious Issues offered opening remarks. Highlighting the challenges facing in various parts of the world over the last decades, the Chairman of the Agency recorded the principle of recognition and solidarity and the sense of responsibility between Georgia, as a secular state, and the existing religious communities, which are guiding the State Agency for Religious Issues.
Deputy Chairman of Georgian Parliament George Volski, Chairwoman of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee Sopho Kiladze, Chairwoman of the Education, Science and Culture Committee Mariam Jashi delivered speeches on the subject.
The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan delivered an extensive report at the conference (See…). It was presented by 4Michael Avagyan. Touching upon the great role of the Armenian community in Georgia in the establishment of independence and afterwards in the country’s economic, social and cultural development, he emphasized the contribution of the Armenian Church in the person of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and the Armenians gathered around it, for whom Georgia is homeland. In the speech of the Diocesan Primate, great importance was attached to the temples and churches which were closed during the Soviet era, confiscated church property, that were not return to their legal owners even after the establishment of the independence and continue to be an expression of discriminative attitude towards religious minorities. His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan’s speech also touched upon the policy of the independent Georgia in the formation of an atmosphere of religious tolerance in Georgia.
The activities of the State Agency for Religious Issues and the organization of this event were appreciated.


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