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Charity Dinner in Akhaltsikhe PDF Print E-mail

a1On June 25, 2018, the Spiritual Superintendence of Akhaltsikhe organized a 1charity dinner for elderly and lonely pensioners.
About 100 elderly people attended the dinner. Thanks to performances of “Akhaltsikhe” Song and Dance Ensemble and the Armenian school group the charity done for elderly people was turned into a festive evening.  There was a good mood around the tables and joint singing, dancing and joy prevailed at the hall. Numerous Armenians, Georgians and representatives of other nations, who took part in 2the dinner, expressed their gratitude to the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Holy Church in the person of Rev. Father Hakob Sahakyan, spiritual superintendant of Akhaltsikhe and 3Borjomi regions and Rev. Father Torgom Vardanyan, pastor of Akhaltsikhe and nearby settlements for organizing such a wonderful event and making one day of their hard life truly festive.       
The Spiritual Superintendence of Akhaltsikhe promises, that by the will of Almighty God, such initiatives will be continuous and many new people will be involved regardless of nationality or religion.

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