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Ecumenical evening of spiritual song in the Saint Gevorg Cathedral in Tbilisi PDF Print E-mail

A1On April 19, 2018, the Saint Gevorg Cathedral of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia received with Christian love the faithful of the Latin Catholics, Evangelical Lutheran, Evangelical Baptist and Assyrian Chaldean Catholic Churches with its leaders and choirs. The church was crowded with enthusiastic mood and kind-hearted smiles of the faithful.1
Inside the church places for honorable guests were taken by His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace  Giuseppe Pasotto, the leader of Apostolic  Department of Caucasian Latin Catholics; His Grace Bishop Marcus Shokh, the Head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Georgia; His Grace Bishop Malkhaz Songholashvili, the Head of the Evangelical Baptist Church in Georgia; as well as representatives of the State Agency for Religious Issues of Georgia and diplomatic corps, leaders of other religious organizations, the clergy of different churches, many faithful.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia Ruben Sadoyan, accompanied by Embassy diplomats were present at the evening.
At the suggestion and on the initiative of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia which presides in the Interchurch Council of Georgia during the 2018, the tradition of holding Ecumenical evenings of spiritual 2songs was restored in Georgia after a long pause for many years and it was decided to hold it every year after the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the different churches which are members of the Council.
The first Ecumenical concert of spiritual songs, entitled “Love one another” (John 13:34), took place in the Saint Gevorg Cathedral. The evening became a call for kindness, love, forgiveness and patience against violence and hatred. 3
The event started with the Lord's Prayer, recited by attendees in their native languages. Afterwards, Michael Avagyan and Nina Seropova, the organizers and moderators of the evening, respectively in Georgian and English languages, represented the welcome speech of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan. In his message the Diocesan Primate touched upon issues related to the Genocide committed 103 years ago by the Ottoman Turkey against the Armenian people which were living in their motherland. Crimes committed against Jews and Yazidis, as well as the Genocide in Rwanda became the continuation of the Armenian Genocide. “Such concerts of Ecumenical songs, during which melodies, songs, hymns and psalms sound in different languages, must inspire kindness, make the world more beautiful and diverse”,- emphasized the Diocesan Primate.
The concert was opened by the “Korali” Choir of the Evangelical – Baptist Church in Georgia, led by Choreographers Merab Vardosanidze and Maka Mazmishvili. Afterwards, songs, hymns and psalms 4sounded and prayer melodies performed by “Gloria” Choir of the Evangelical – Lutheran Church (Choreographer Natalia Chaganava), Choir of the Assyrian Chaldean Catholic Church (Choreographer Ilona Bilyanova), Choir of the Georgia's Catholic Church (Choreographer Karina Osipova).
The hosting Armenian Diocese in Georgia was represented by the Choir of the Saint Etchmiadzin church in Avlabari (Choreographer Luiza Vardanyan) and the “Makar Yekmalyan” Choir of the Saint Gevorg Cathedral (Choreographer Svetlana Tatoeva). The amazing and charming hymns and psalms sounded in the language of Christ, in Aramaic, as well as in Armenian, Georgian, Italian, Hebrew and German, harmonized with the Divine beauty of the ancient church decorated with Hovnatanyans' frescos and became a prayer for peace and love to God.
The evening concluded with blessings and expressions of gratitude of Bishops, who highlighted that the spiritual song and Ecumenical prayer are the only language of speech with God.
The attendees shared their impressions of the concert around the tea table in the courtyard of the church.

Armenian (Հայերեն)Georgian (ქართული)English (United Kingdom)Russian (Русский)