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Pilgrimage to the Saint Gregory the Illuminator church in Akhaltsikhe PDF Print E-mail

IMG 9380-17-03-18-02-13On 17 March, 2018, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Saint Gregory the Illuminator church of the Armenian Diocese in Akhaltsikhe. The day was mysterious as the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church was celebrating the Entry of Saint Gregory, the First Armenian Patriarch to the Khor Virap (Deep Dungeon) and his sufferings in Khor Virap. This is the first of three feasts dedicated to the commemoration of Saint Gregory the Illuminator.IMG 9413-17-03-18-02-13

The church was full of faithful. Local faithful were joined by pilgrims from Tbilisi under the leadership of Rev. Father Manuk Zeynalyan and group of faithful from Akhalkalaki and nearby villages headed by Rev. Father Tatev Maruqyan, who came to the church on the occasion of the feast.

Representatives of local authorities, officials, heads of NGOs, many faithful attended the Divine Liturgy.

IMG 9468-17-03-18-03-50The church curtain opened on the occasion of the feast of the All-Christian Saint and faithful had an opportunity to receive the sacrament.

During the Divine Liturgy Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan preached about the mystery of the day in his sermon. The attendees listened carefully about the torment, which Saint Gregory the Illuminator withstood for the Christian faith, his entrance to Khor Virap, the power of resistance and great will demonstrated by him during 13 years, IMG 9546-17-03-18-03-52as well as the devotion to God and Christ. After the sufferings Saint Gregory the Illuminator became the first Pontiff of the state-recognized Armenian Church, devoted himself to spreading the light of Christ in the Armenian world.

His Grace, Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan stressed the importance of the struggle of Armenian people for the eternity of the nation and faith. He also touched upon issues related to the preservation of the rituals and ceremonies of the Armenian Church.

Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan welcomed the pilgrims, blessed and encouraged them, saying that such pilgrimages strengthen the faith in God, make it power with new IMG 9555-17-03-18-03-52strength. The Diocesan Primate also sent his blessing to the attendees, conveyed paternal love and good wishes of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan expressed his words of appreciation to Rev. Father Hakob Sahakyan, the spiritual superintendent of the Akhaltsikhe, as well as to clergymen, accompanying the pilgrims for their good service.

The pilgrims lit candles in memory of Saint Gregory the Illuminator and asked for the intercession of the All-Christian Saint in their prayers.

At the end of the Liturgy, the pilgrims organized lunch in the Saint Gregory the Illuminator church. The local faithful also joined the lunch.IMG 9575-17-03-18-03-52

After the Divine Liturgy and the lunch the pilgrims visited the Saint Sion church, in village of Tsughrut, under the leadership of Rev. Father Manuk Zeynalyan, Rev. Father Tatev Marukyan and Rev. Father Torgom Vardanyan. The pilgrims were present at the Requiem Service, which was performed with the participation of spiritual fathers. Then the large group of the pilgrims visited Sarkis Saponjyan's home were the well-known Gospel of Tsughrut is keeping, which dates back to the 10th century.

Late in the evening, the pilgrims returned to Tbilisi feeling themselves spiritually enriched with the grace of Saint Gregory the Illuminator.

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