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Literary Event Dedicated to Yeghishe Charents and Sayat-Nova PDF Print E-mail

a1On December 10, 2017, the Alexander Mantashev Educational Cultural Youth Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted a literary event dedicated to the 120th birth anniversary of great Armenian poet Yeghishe Charents and the 305th birthday anniversary of unrivalled ashugh Sayat-Nova.

In attendance were community officials, parents, teachers, students and many guests.

The works of the representatives of Armenian literature and art created a brilliant event imbued with the spirit of literature. Inspiring poems of Yeghishe Charents were recited, always close to one’s heart and emotional songs of Sayat-Nova were performed with the accompaniment of the nice Armenian dances during the event.1

The event included performances of songs and dances, poetry recitations by the Aghbyur Youth Vocal Ensemble (led by choirmaster Ruzanna Hovhannisyan), recitation classes(led by Satenik Danielyan), the Heghnar Dance Group (led by choreographer Merine Poghosyan).

Beautiful recitations, song and dances performances by the Center’s students afforded great pleasure to the audience, were highly appreciated by the attendees, bringing on thunderous applause.

Following the literary event, Rev. Father Ararat Gumbalyan, Pastor of Armenians in Ajara, Guria, Imereti, and the Surb Prkich Church (Saint Savior) of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia; expressed 2satisfaction at the work that had been completed to organize the beautiful event and to properly present the Armenian Greats, encouraging both the teachers and participants. Father Ararat extended his words of appreciation to the Alexander Mantashev Cultural and Educational Center, which, through its activity, promotes the preservation of the Armenian identity outside Armenia, and called on the attendees to stand united as one, to preserve and receive as spiritual food the national – the Armenian.3

In her remarks, Director of the Cultural Center, Sona Hovhannisyan expressed gratitude to the teachers and students for organizing the literary event at a high level. She noted that every single Armenian living outside of the homeland should know, appreciate and be proud of patriotic poet Yeghishe Charents and Armenian poet, musician and ashugh Sayat-Nova, and it is our national duty. The Director mentioned that such events dedicated to Armenian literature, culture and arts will become ongoing at the Center.

Enjoying the breathtaking works of Charents, eternal songs and poems of Sayat-Nova, the attendees left the Center in great mood.

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