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Paintings by Violinist Gary Nalbandyan PDF Print E-mail

a1On October 10, 2017, self-taught artist Gary Nalbandyan opened his first personal exhibition at the St. Gregory of Narek Educational, Cultural, Youth and Spiritual Center in Rustavi (Armenian Diocese in Georgia). The Center was crowded; in attendance were representatives of Armenians of Rustavi and Gardabani, as well as 1members of the staff of the Center. Members of the Union of Armenian Painters of Georgia, led by President Irena Ohanjanova; a group of Armenian activists of the Hayartun Center, accompanied by Director of the Diocesan Cultural Department, Levon Chidilyan and the officials of the Diocesan Headquarters; had arrived specially to become familiar with the paintings by the professional violinist.

The occasion was honored with the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan.

2Rev. Father Narek Ghushyan, Pastor of the local Armenian community, welcomed the attendees and attached importance to the activities being carried out to consolidate Armenians around the Center; he appreciated gifted painter Gary Nalbandyan for his works and noted that the Center hosted the exhibition as its first cultural event. Gary Nalbandyan is known in public as a talented violinist; he participated and was awarded in many international festivals and competitions. However3 the famous musician’s talent to use color to convey emotion in art is a gift from God. The exhibition showcased Gary Nalbandyan’s realistic and surrealistic paintings. The exhibited pieces revealed a rich palette and thoughtfully placed brush strokes, and presented a small part of the oil paintings on canvas, which reflected his “inner world” and are the product of his thought.

4The tone of his paintings varies from mysterious, vital, realistic to imaginary and not real. The titles of his paintings are likely to give you food for thought. Talented and merited artists, who were among visitors to the exhibition, appreciated the self-taught artist for his works, noted that his drawings reflect the author’s own inner world and emotions, being endowed with talent and aspiration, he has moved from violin strings combinations to combining colors on a brush.

The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia offered his blessings to the gifted painter and participants to the exhibition. The Bishop appreciated Gary 5Nalbandyan for his artistic worldview, outbursts of his excited and meaningful emotional sphere reflected in his paintings. The Primate noted that God had endowed him with unique talent, which manifested itself in music and painting. The Diocesan Primate praised the community and the Center, led by Rev. Father Narek Ghishchyan, for its activity, wished them success in implementation of the aforementioned educational, cultural and youth projects.

6The visitors also listened to a delightful performance of violinist Gary Nalbandyan and attended a reception organized by the Center.

The self-taught artist presented the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and the Director of the Cultural Department with one of his paintings.

The attendees proposed to Gary Nalbandyan to open his personal exhibition at the Hayartun Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia for Armenian art lovers in Tbilisi.

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