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“Yeghici Luys Kuyrerin” Charitable Organization’s Concert Dedicated to the 26th Anniversary of the Independence of Armenia PDF Print E-mail

On September 30, 2017, the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the Hayartun Center at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted a concert of “Luys” Vocal Ensemble and Chamber Choir of Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory. The concert was dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the Independence of Armenia.1

“Yeghici Luys Kuyrerin” Charitable Organization (Chairman Maro Mesropyan, Executive Director Marietta Sardaryan) organized the concert with the support of the Hayartun Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The group, which was founded only eight months ago, hosted its first solo concert outside Armenia.

The Luys Vocal Ensemble is made up of people with disabilities, mainly visually impaired, who gave professional performances and made the audience feel all the beauty of the music. Their repertoire includes many musical genres. The program included performances of the songs by Komitas, Makar Yekmalyan, Kara-Murza and contemporary Armenian composers. Thanks to professionalism and skills of choirmaster Gayane Sahakyan the choir gave skillful performances in four voices.

2The concert left a lasting impression. Multiethnic audience, appreciating mastery in performance and accurate singing, responded with a thunderous applause.

The second part of the concert featured Chamber Choir of Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory. The performance of the Chamber Choir was a rational continuation of the impression left by the “Luys” Vocal Ensemble, taking the listener along on a high emotional journey into the virtually boundless world of classical music. Women’s chamber choir was established in 2005 and has participated in many festivals. In 2011, led by choirmaster Gayane Sahakyan, the choir took part in the Golden Dolphin Festival in Batumi and received the grand prize.

“Yeghici Luys Kuyrerin” Charitable Organization is under the auspices of the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Culture, with the financial assistance provided by3 individual benefactors. The organization has united people with disabilities, the main directions of its activities are social, economic and health care and other issues. The goal is to help people with disabilities integrate into the community, to show their powers and abilities, to make impossible things possible.

4The Director of the Cultural Department, Levon Chidilyan congratulated the choirs on a wonderful performance, transmitted to the organizers and participants the blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan; and handed out certificates of appreciations of the Hayartun Center.

The next goal of “Yeghici Luys Kuyrerin” Charitable Organization is to establish the theater by the blind. May God help them…

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