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Pilgrimage to Nine Shrines of Armenia PDF Print E-mail


On September 9, 2017, early in the morning, with the blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, a group of church-loving women of the St. Etchmidzin Church in Avlabari neighborhood, led by Rev. Father Manuk Zeynalyan, having a strong desire to pray and light candles in the ancient houses of worship, made a pilgrimage to the shrines of Armenia.

For the past five consecutive years, this group of women from Tbilisi, expanding the geography of shrines from year to year, has visited different holy sites in Armenia, keeping the goal to take Holy Communion and to sacrifice a lamb in the Tatev monastery unchanged.

The church-loving women started their pilgrimage visiting the churches located on a peninsula at the shore of the Lake Sevan. The pilgrims lit candles in the Surb Arakelots (Holy Apostles) Church and the St. Hovhannes Mkrtich Church, visited the Surb Hacob Chapel within Vaskenian Theological Academy. The women, led by Rev. Father Manuk Zeynalyan, visited Zorats Karer, an ancient Observatory also called Karahunj (Speaking Stones), saw the stones, used for astronomical observation.

The next stop on the tour was the Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church in the city of Sisian, where they were greeted by Rev. Father Pargev Zeynalyan. They also toured the Vorotnavank monastery. Led by the spiritual fathers the pilgrims participated in an Evening Service, and lit candles in the ancient Armenian Church.

The faithful visited their favorite pilgrimage site - the Tatev monastery. Here, in the evening Rev. Fathers blessed the salt for the sacrificed lamb and it was distributed to the faithful. They were joined by other pilgrims. After eating the lamb, the women from Tbilisi attended the church services until late that night.

The following day, Rev. Father Manuk Zeynalyan had the honor to celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the Tatev monastery, under the presidency of Very Rev. Father Mikael Gevorgyan. During the Divine Liturgy, Father Mikael welcomed the pilgrims from Tbilisi and extended his message to the faithful. The faithful with great emotions, excitement and faith attended the Divine Liturgy, partook of Confession and took Holy Communion at the ancient church.

The pilgrims, staying overnight in the Armavir region, in the morning headed to the spiritual center of all Armenians – the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and participated in a joint prayer. Receiving spiritual strength, the Armenian faithful of Tbilisi prayed at the Ohanavank and Saghmosavank monasteries on the road home.

The pilgrims lifted their prayers up to God, asking to give them strength to always go on pilgrimages.

After visiting nine holy sites in Armenia, lighting candles, being inspired by the strength of ancient churches, the pilgrims returned to Tbilisi spiritually reborn and with unforgettable impressions.

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