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Church Ceremony in the Dadesh Village PDF Print E-mail


On June 10, 2017, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia paid a visit to Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka's General Prelacy of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia to conduct a church service.

In the Dadesh village of Akhalkalaki region, the Primate of the Armenia Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan; with the participation of Very Rev. Fr. Babken Salbiyan, the Prelate of Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka's General Prelacy of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia; and Rev. Father Tatev Marukyan, Pastor of Akhalkalaki and nearby villages; consecrated the bell and the crosses of the main dome and belfry. The Surb Astvatsatsin (Holy Mother of God) Church is being renovated.

Among the attendees of the solemn ceremony were Member of the Parliament of Georgia Samvel Manukyan; President of the Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Toronto Board of Trustees, Ohan Ohanyan; guests from Armenia and Georgia.

Following church services, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia delivered his address. The Bishop congratulated the residents of Dadesh on the opening of a functioning church in the future and appreciated the fact that Russia-based native of Dadesh, Ludwig Tumasyan not only undertook reconstruction of the church and sponsored the renovation, but erected Khachkar commemorating Armenian Genocide in the church courtyard. The Primate expressed satisfaction on the occasion of the works that had been implemented, highlighting the joint efforts of the villagers united around the renovation works coordinator Albert Marsanjyan. The Bishop informed the attendees that the renovation of priest’s home would be completed soon and the solemn ceremony of consecration of the church would take place. It will be attended by the benefactor, who has been absent from his birthplace for 50 years.

The Dadesh village is located 13 km away from Akhalkalaki (towards southwest). The ancestors of present residents settled in the Dadesh village in the 1830s, after migrating from the Ashkhala village of Erzerum, Mush and Kars. At first they settled in the Chifik and Chamdura villages, then moved to Dadesh in 1845-46, where prior to their migration had lived the natives, 14 Armenian families, and the Kurds. The Surb Astvatsatsin Church is the remarkable building preserved in the village. A new wider church of the same name was built near the old one in 1867; it has been closed since the Soviet era. The renovation of the church has been underway since 2014. It is sponsored by the residents of Dadesh.

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Armenian (Հայերեն)Georgian (ქართული)English (United Kingdom)Russian (Русский)