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First Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church Celebrated in Rustavi PDF Print E-mail

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Only a week ago, a solemn opening of the St. Gregory of Narek Educational, Cultural, Youth and Spiritual Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia took place, which will consolidate the Armenians of Rustavi. The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan blessed the Vemkar (the rock at the bottom of the Altar) and the Icon, where every Sunday the Divine Liturgy will be offered.

21st of May 2017 is considered the turning point in the history of the Armenian community of Rustavi. Rev. Father Narek Ghushyan, Pastor of the Armenians of Rustavi and Marneuli region, the Armenian Diocese in Georgia celebrated here the first ever Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church, starting a new page in the chronology of the local Armenian community, helping the progress of the spiritual and church life of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.

A group of faithful of the Saint Etchmiadzin Church in Tbilisi had arrived to attend the first Divine Liturgy. Residents of Rustavi were touched, their faces brightened round with joy, each came with his family, school-age children were also in attendance. They came to attend the Divine Liturgy and to take Holy Communion, they came to pray in mother tongue, and to listen to the Divine Liturgy celebrated in Armenian.

Welcoming the people present, Rev. Father Narek Ghushyan explained the symbolism of Vemkar and the Icon, which are the cornerstone of the Divine Liturgy in the places with no church, monastery or temple.

The liturgy was touching and had a deep meaning, with the participation of singers and acolytes from Tbilisi.

During the Divine Liturgy, Father Narek reflected on the history the Armenian Church, the mystery of the Divine Liturgy and the Sacrament of Holy Communion, preached about staying strong in one’s Christian faith, the preservation of the national identity. Reflecting on the important role of the Church and language in the longevity of the nation, Father Narek stressed with importance the preservation of church hymns, national culture and traditions, be it in adjacent or distant Armenian communities of Diaspora. The celebrant presented the launch of the Center’s activities, including the St. Yeghishe Sunday School for children and adults, the Nemrut Dance Ensemble for young and old, the Berkri choir being formed. However, the most important remains the Armenian Church and its rites, particularly the Divine Liturgy, which every Sunday will be celebrated at the St. Gregory of Narek Spiritual Center in Rustavi.

Following the Divine Liturgy, the faithful received the sacrament of Penitence and Holy Communion. Willing to be a driving force behind the new Center and to consolidate around the church, with great excitement the faithful expressed hope that one fine day the residents of Rustavi will participate in the Divine Liturgy celebrated in the local Armenian Church.

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