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Pope’s Pilgrimage to the First Christian Country PDF Print E-mail

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His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia; Very Rev. Fr. Babken Salbiyan, the Prelate of Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka's General Prelacy of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia; Very Rev. Father Khoren Hovhannisyan, assistant to the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia; were prominent among the clergy participating in the services and various functions of the weekend, on the occasion of the visit of the Pontiff of Rome, Pope Francis.

Hundreds of Armenian pilgrims from Tbilisi and Samtskhe-Javakheti, led by spiritual shepherds, also traveled to Armenia to witness the visit.

On June 24, 2016, Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church arrived to Armenia.

On June 24, under the theme "Visit to the First Christian Nation" Pope Francis launched a three-day visit to the Republic of Armenia. The Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church was welcomed by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; and Mr. Serzh Sarkisyan, President of the Republic of Armenia, at the Zvartnots International Airport. They were accompanied by their delegations as well as representatives of the Catholic and Armenian Catholic Church.

After a brief conversation at the airport with the President of Armenia, His Holiness and Pope Francis, accompanied by their delegations, left for Holy Etchmiadzin.

In the Mother See, the two Pontiffs were met by the members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin and officials. On this occasion, numerous pilgrims, from Armenia and the Diaspora, welcomed the Pope with flags and signs.

The procession of clergymen of the Armenian and Catholic Churches, under the ringing of the bells of the Mother Cathedral and the singing of the hymn “Glorious God”, led the Catholicos of All Armenians and the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church to the Mother Cathedral.

After jointly reading psalms, Pope Francis read the "In the temple" prayer, then the Mother Cathedral Choir performed the "Etchmiadzin I Hore" hymn.

Pope Francis through the recitation of the prayer “Preserve us, Christ our God” and blessed the pious faithful.

Following the prayer, His Holiness Karekin II welcomed Pope Francis and stated:

“We extend our prayer for the stability and prosperity of the Holy Church of Christ, for the spread of the spirit of love and favor of our Lord, and for increasing peace and life in solidarity in the world. We call on the Lord to support Your Holiness, and wish you a long and healthy reign, for the sake of prosperity of the Roman Catholic Church and for consolation of the faithful.

Welcome to the Biblical land of Armenia and to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

Let the mercy, grace and blessings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ remain with us all, evermore. Amen.”

Pope Francis also delivered a message.

On the evening of June 24, the meeting of Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church and His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; was held in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The meeting was attended by the delegation of the Catholic Church; Bishops of the Armenian Church; Diocesan Primates from Armenia and Diaspora and Locum Tenens.

During the meeting, His Holiness Karekin II, welcomed Pope Francis to the Biblical land of Armenia and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. He also conveyed his fraternal love and best wishes to the members of the delegation.

In turn, Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church expressed his gratitude to His Holiness for the warm reception and fraternal love, stressing that in Holy Etchmiadzin he feels at home. Emphasizing the importance of united prayer and peace in the remarks of His Holiness, Pope Francis added that as Churches they are called to be the preachers of peace.

At the end of the meeting, a mutual presentation of the delegations of the two churches and an exchange of gifts was made.

On the occasion of the visit, the Catholicos of All Armenians presented a Liturgical Chalice to Pope Francis, on which the St. Peter Basillica of the Vatican and the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin were engraved on the sides of the cup, as well as the holy apostles of the two churches. His Holiness also presented an icon of the Holy Martyr’s of the Armenian Genocide and a miniature sculpture of the Pope. In turn, the Pope gifted to His Holiness a mosaic of the Holy Mother of God.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Pope Francis recorded a message in the Pontifical Memory register.

Following the meeting a private meeting between the two Pontiffs was held.

On June 25, Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church and His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; visited the Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Memorial Complex, where the two Pontiffs were met by Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia and the First Lady Ms. Rita Sargsyan.

Under the presidency of His Holiness and Pope Francis, an Intercessional Rite of the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide was offered in front of the eternal flame. The choir of Holy Etchmiadzin sang the hymn "Hrashatsan pakutsmamb", which is dedicated to the Saintly Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. Bible passages, psalms and remarks were read by the clergy of the two Churches.

The ceremony ended with a prayer by Pope Francis, through which the Pope of Roman Catholic Church asked for the intercession of the holy martyrs, for the Armenian nation and the whole world.

Following the service, the Armenian duduk was played by renowned artist Mr. Jivan Gasparyan; and honorable artists Mr. Gevork Dabaghyan and Mr. Kamo Seyranyan.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, the RA President and two Pontiffs visited the Memorial Park in memories of the Genocide victims in Armenia, where the Pope blessed an evergreen tree planted in his name.

At the end of the visit to Tsitsernakaberd, a group of descendants of Armenian Genocide survivors approached Pope Francis, whose ancestors sought shelter in the Papal Castel Gandolfo castle-summerhouse during the years of genocide, by the decision of Pope Pius XI.
Pope Francis also toured the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute exhibition and wrote a note in the register of memories and it stated in part:

“Here I pray with pain in my heart, so that never more will there be tragedies like this, so that humanity does not forget and knows how to overcome the evil with good. May God grant the beloved Armenian people and the entire world peace and consolation. May God protect the memory of the Armenian people. Memory should not be diluted or forgotten; memory is source of peace and the future”.

On June 25, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; and Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church; flew to Gyumri.

Following their official welcoming to Gyumri, His Holiness and Pope Francis traveled to the St. Vartanants central square in Gyumri, where the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church offered a Divine Liturgy.

During the Divine Liturgy, Pope Francis preached about the mystery of the day.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence Archbishop Rafael Minasyan, Primate of the Armenian Catholic Church in Armenia, Georgia, Russia and Eastern Europe delivered a message of gratitude.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, His Holiness and Pope Francis walked through the square with the Popemobile conveying their blessings to the attendees.

In front of the entrance of the church, the Pontiffs also conveyed their blessings to the disabled children.

His Holiness and Pope Francis also visited the Armenian Catholic Holy Martyrs Church in Gyumri. They were met by His Eminence Archbishop Rafael Minasyan, clergy and representatives of the Armenian Catholic community at the entrance of the Church.

Later, Pope Francis left for the Armenian Sisters Of Immaculate Conception Congregation.

On the same day Pope Francis visited the Holy Mother of God (Yotverk) Church of the Diocese of Shirak. Led by the procession and under the ringing of the bells, the Patriarchs entered the Church. In front of the icon of the Seven Wounds of Holy Mother of God at the Main Altar of the Church, His Holiness and Pope Francis extended their private prayer, after which Pope Francis blessed the people.

On the occasion of the visit, on behalf of the faithful of the Diocese, Bishop Michael gifted a replicate of the icon of the Seven Wounds of Holy Mother of God to His Holiness and Pope Francis, after which the two Patriarchs walked towards the Crucifixion altar inside the church and offered a Prayer Service in front of the Holy Cross.

Following the private prayers of the two Pontiffs, the Catholicos of All Armenian blessed the representatives of the Armenian Catholic community and disabled children through the “Guard Us” prayer.

Leaving the Holy Martyrs Church, His Holiness and Pope Francis left Gyumri and returned to Yerevan.

On June 25, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; and Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church; an Ecumenical Service and Peace Prayer was held in the Republic Square of Yerevan. The prayer service was attended by tens of thousands of Armenians and guests from different countries from around the world.

The entrance of His Holiness and Pope Francis was heralded by the ringing of the bells of the churches in Yerevan. The two Pontiffs, along with 12 high-ranking clergymen of each church, ascended the stage, which had been specially prepared for the Service.

During the joint prayer, passages and prayers from the Holy Bible were read, as well as the Holy Resurrection hymn was sang.

During the Service the Catholicos of All Armenians conveyed his blessings and remarks to the attendees.

“Having in our hearts the spiritual joy of our meeting, which is granted to us by our benevolent God, we beseech our Lord and Savior for His grace and peace for us all, and invite You, Our beloved Brother in Christ, to deliver Your message and convey Your abundant blessings to the thousands of faithful gathered here.”

Then Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church gave his blessings and remarks.


Following the remarks, during the singing of "Christ came into us", the Pontiffs greeted each other then conveyed their blessings to the attending thousands of people.

Pope Francis blessed the attendees through the prayer "Keep us, Christ our God".

At the conclusion of the Service, His Grace Bishop Armash Nalbandyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Damascus, also made remarks.

Following the remarks, Ave Maria was performed by jazz artist Gary Kesayan following which, children from the Middle East offered His Holiness and Pope Francis the soil brought from their countries for blessings. Following the blessing, the children dressed in historical Armenia costumes, placed the soil into the miniature of Noah’s Ark and the Armenian grape cutting was planted there.

The author of the sculpture is designer and artist Michael Aram from America.

At the conclusion of the Service, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia, led by Mr. Eduard Topchyan, and the National Academic Choir of Armenia, led by Mr. Hovhannes Chekijyan, National Artist of Armenia, and as well as with the participation of renowned soloists of Armenian classical music, performed a concert program.

On June 26, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, at the St. Trdat Open Air Altar, His Holiness Karekin II offered a Divine Liturgy, with the prayerful presence of Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Service began with a solemn Pontifical procession, where His Holiness Karekin II and Pope Francis, accompanied by a procession of clergy of the Armenian and Catholic Churches, and under the ringing of the bells of the Mother Cathedral and singing of the hymn Khorhurd Khorin, were led to the St. Trdat Open Air Altar, where the Catholicos of All Armenians offered a Divine Liturgy.

During the Service the Catholicos of All Armenians conveyed his blessings and remarks.

Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church then gave his blessings and remarks.

“Your Holiness, Dear Bishops,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

At the end of this greatly-desired visit, one already unforgettable for me, I join my gratitude to the Lord with the great hymn of praise and thanksgiving that rose from this altar. Your Holiness, in these days you have opened to me the doors of your home, and we have experienced “how good and pleasant it is when brothers live in unity” (Ps 133:1). We have met, we have embraced as brothers, we have prayed together and shared the gifts, hopes and concerns of the Church of Christ.  We have felt as one her beating heart, and we believe and experience that the Church is one.  “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope… one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all” (Eph 4:4-6). With great joy we can make our own these words of the Apostle Paul!  Our meeting comes under the aegis of the holy Apostles whom we have encountered. Saints Bartholomew and Thaddeus, who first proclaimed the Gospel in these lands, and Saints Peter and Paul who gave their lives for the Lord in Rome and now reign with Christ in heaven, surely rejoice to see our affection and our tangible longing for full communion.  For all this, I thank the Lord, for you and with you: Park astutsò! (Glory to God!).

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, His Holiness and Pope Francis blessed the attending pilgrims.

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On June 26, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; and Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church, signed a joint declaration in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church visited the historic Khor Virap Monastery, on his last stop in his trip to Armenia.

On June 26, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians and the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, accompanied by their delegations visited Khor Virap.

Led by procession, the Patriarchs were directed to the courtyard of the Khor Virap monastery. The two spiritual leaders entered the St. Gregory the Illuminator Chapel, where the Catholicos of All Armenians and Pope Francis lit their candles with the life-giving light taken from the prison pit.

In the Holy Mother of God Church, the lantern which was gifted to the Khor Virap Monastery by the Pope on the occasion of his visit, was lit from the same light.

The two Pontiffs then offered a prayer for peace in both Armenian and English.

During the prayer, the choirs of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary and Vazgenyan Seminary performed “Lerink Amenayn”, soul-stirring hymns dedicated to St. Gregory, the second Illuminator of the Armenian Church.

The Service was concluded with the Lord’s Prayer.

Following the brief service, the Patriarchs moved to an outdoor platform overlooking the biblical Mount Ararat, where as a sign of peace, two doves were released towards the closed Armenian-Turkish border.

After the visit to the monastery, a farewell ceremony was held at the Zvartnots Airport, after which Francis Pope concluded his first visit to the first Christian country and returned to the Vatican. 

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