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Former Tiflis in Giorgi Manoyan’s drawings PDF Print E-mail


“Former Tiflis” – this is how the famous Tbilisian Armenian painter Giorgi Manoyan called his private exhibition, which was launched on November 21 in Galust Gyulbenkyan hall at “Hayartun” center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The exhibition was the initiative of the center and the Union of Armenian Painters of Georgia. There were around sixty drawings for the visitors to admire – Havlabar, Sirachkhan, districts of Sololak, Gogilo, houses of the Khurshudyans, Dzegvelovs, Tamamshevs, Pitoev statue, Red Bible, churches of St. Norashen, St. Echmiadzin, St. Gevorg. All these drawings have been preserved as memoirs from the former Tiflis. The aim of this painter, who lived in Havlabar all his life, is to preserve and transfer to generations the once picturesque buildings, the day by day disappearing Armenian trace and the vanishing old city with the help of pictures.

Opening the exhibition, the President of the Union of Armenian painters in Georgia Meruzhan Shahumyan underlined the diversity of Giorgi Manoyan’s culture, and the richness of his themes. Referring to Manoyan as a painter, the Speaker, valued the verve and skills expressed through his drawings.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia, H.E. Mr. Yuri Vardanyan honoured the solemn opening ceremony of the exhibition with his presence. The Ambassador congratulated the painter on the private exhibition and highlighted the role and significance of famous Armenians from Tbilisi community in bridging the Armenian and Georgian cultural relations, in preserving and developing Armenian culture in Georgia.
Armenians, Georgians, painters, photographers, artists, community authorities, leaders of organizations, public figures were attending the opening ceremony to admire the charm of Giorgi Manoyan’s works and enjoy the warmth of memories of their beloved city.  
All the Speakers unanimously underlined their admiration from Giorgi Manoyan’s serial exhibition, and thanked the painter for reminding them about their youth through the canvases, as well as for precisely rendering the image of important buildings in the city.   
The Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan blessed the participants and expressed his gratitude. He estimated Giorgi Manoyan’s investment in the development of painting school in Tbilisi. The Primate highlighted the painter’s devotion to preserving the Armenian trace in this ancient city with the help of oil colours and drawings, as well as transferring it to generations. Holy Father also underlined the role of Armenian Church, Armenian theatre, different organizations, cultural figures in preserving and developing Armenian culture in Georgia.    
At the end the painter Giorgi Manoyan thanked the “Hayartun” center for the chance to introduce his art to a large society, and for highly estimating his works.
Giorgi Manoyan’s “Former Tiflis…” private exhibition of drawings continues at “Hayartun” center.

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