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Meeting with a Member of Georgian Parliament David Darchiashvili PDF Print E-mail

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On 4 May, 2013 at the “Hayartun” Cultural Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia a meeting with David Darchiashvili, a member of the “United National Movement” parliamentary faction, Deputy Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Defense and Security, a member of Parliamentary Committee for European Integration, was held.
The Adviser to the Head of the Diocese and the Head of the Diocesan Legal Department Levon Isakhanyan opened the meeting and informed that the theme of the meeting would be the current political situation in Georgia and it would be held in a presentation followed by questions-and-answers session format.

MP David Darchiashvili spoke about the current situation and policy, which is carried out in regard to national minorities in Georgia. He referred to the laws and international agreements that have been adopted or ratified by the Parliament of Georgia and operate in the country. In response to questions that interested the Armenian population, which mainly referred to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the Georgian authorities, restitution of Armenian churches to the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, the existence of schools in native language, the problem of low representation of Georgian citizens of Armenian ethnicity in public offices, representative of Georgian parliamentary minority tried to give full and comprehensive answers.
At the end of the meeting, the discussion moderator Isakhanyan announced that the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church planned to continue the series of such meetings-discussions in order to create a platform for dialogue between politicians and representatives of the Armenian community in Georgia, and the representatives of opposition and ruling parties, as well as top government officials, would be invited.