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Another educational and cultural center opened in Samtskhe-Javakheti PDF Print E-mail

A1On December 23, 2018, under the leadership of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, an educational and cultural center after Vardges Surenyants opened in the adjacent building of Saint Gregory the Illuminator (Surb Grigor Lusavorich) church, in Akhaltsikhe city.
The day was festive. In attendance were Georgian MPs Giorgi Kopadze, Mayor of Akhaltsikhe Zaza Melikidze and Chairman of Sakrebulo IMG-5d5b5da43fe4c9e577b45ad12cf4c4d6-V(Municipality Assembly) Gela Nozadze. Representatives of Armenian intellectuals of Akhaltsikhe, Ninotsminda and Akhalkalaki, members of Parliament, community figures, Diocesan officials as well as officials of the Diocesan Headquarters attended the event.
The Spiritual Superintendant of Akhaltsikhe and Borjomi regions Rev. father Hakob Sahakyan, Member of Parliament Giorgi Kopadze, Director of the "Rafael Javakh" Center in Ninotsminda Zhora Snkhchyan, the Head of Social, Medical, Sport and Youth Committee Hambardzum Baboyan and others gave opening remarks.
The speakers welcomed the initiative of the Diocese and wished success to its activity, expressing hope that the Armenians in Akhaltsikhe will have an opportunity to maintain their IMG-7d25ec61c11b5b5162a7a27cf3e0c4c3-Videntity and to develop their spiritual and cultural life.
Afterwards, the Diocesan Primate presided over the Blessing service of the Center and then His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan offered his blessings and congratulated on the occasion of the opening of the center, highly appreciating the initiatives of Spiritual Superintendant Rev. Father Hakob.
The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia expressed his gratitude to the authorities of Akhaltsikhe for the attention and encouragement towards Armenians.
Groups of song, dance, aesthetics and history of the Mother Church will operate in the Center. Asya Yepranosyan – Baboyan was appointed as director of the Center.
At the newly opened Center a beautiful concert took place and the "Akhaltskha" song and dance ensemble of the Saint Gregory the Illuminator church in Akhaltsikhe, led by IMG-34b8ec982393a592c46eec1c3c6008bc-Vchoreographer Veronika Hambaryan, "Nor Shen" ensemble of the public school of Tsghaltbila, led by choreographer Armine Ayvazyan performed.
The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia was accompanied by Rev. Father Kirakos Simonyan, the assistant pastor to the pastor of the Cathedral of Saint George and Eugenia Markosyan, the Head of the "Hayartun" Center.
Vardges Surenyants Center is the fourth in the Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka's General Prelacy. Similar centers operate in Akhalkalaki, Ninotsminda as well as in the village of Arakova.

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