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Celebration of 2800th anniversary of Yerevan at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia PDF Print E-mail

A1Yerevan is the capital of all Armenians. Armenians worldwide celebrate the 2800th anniversary of the ancient, but always young, long-suffering, but always creative pink city, capital of the Republic of Armenia with hope and light.
Beautiful events dedicated to Yerevan's glorious jubilee took place at the Centers of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. At the "Hayartun" Center in Tbilisi the celebration lasted two days.
On October 27, 2018, on the initiative of the AGBU Virtual College, an online visit to 2800 years old Yerevan 20181028 140449was organized. The coordinator of Hybrid Educational programs Arpine Tavaqashyan delivered via Skype a speech to the people gathered at the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall – students of the artistic and Armenian language teaching groups of the Centers, as well as they made a "trip" to Yerevan with the representatives of Armenians in Tbilisi, exploring the history of the ancient city from the era of the city of Erebuni till nowadays.
The attendees, inspired by the heroism and beauty of the beloved city, performed the city's hymn – Erebuni – Yerevan song.
The festive mood also prevailed on the next day, on October 28, on the initiative of the Union of Armenian Intellectuals of Georgia and "Hayartun" Center an event dedicated to the feast of Yerevan was held.
The hall was crowded and everyone was in festive mood. The Head of the "Hayartun" Center Eugenia Markosyan offered opening remarks. The latter congratulated the attendees 44865341on the occasion of the City Day.
The President of the Union Yenok Tadevosyan had an interesting and meaningful speech on the history of the capital of the Republic of Armenia, about difficulties and hardships, struggles and victories, architectural awakening, monuments and statues, buildings and fountains. The speech was followed by a delightful concert with participation of "Nerses Shnorhali" ("Nerses the Gracious") Choir led by Choirmaster Mari Abulyan, duduk and dhol groups, led by Ivane Mkrtchyan and Robert Kashavanidze as well as soloist Henrikh Petrosyan and reciter Aksana Yashaghyan.  The Pastor of the Saint Etchmiadzin church in Avlabari Rev. Father Samvel Torosyan and Diplomat of the RA Embassy in Georgia Arthur Sargsyan congratulated the attendees and highly 20181027 150607appreciated the event.
The 2800th anniversary of Yerevan was also celebrated in the "Rafael Javakh" Center in Ninotsminda of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The celebration began with the blessings of Rev. Father Armash Poghosyan, after which the Director Zhora Snkhchyan gave opening remarks. It is noteworthy that the scenario of the event was fully written by the Center's students – they had developed the texts, chose poems and songs. The heads of groups Samvel Putulyan, Satik Snkhchyan and Irina Kolyan only guided their work.
During one and half hour, the children presented the history of the city of Yerevan with the best samples of Armenian classical and contemporary literature and music. At the conclusion of the event, the heads of the Center, parents of the students and the attendees expressed their gratitude and appreciation.

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