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St. Hovhannes chapel in Ghaltakchi - the cherished place of pilgrimage for Armenians of Tbilisi PDF Print E-mail

A1The Armenians of Tbilisi often organize pilgrimages to various sanctuaries. They light candles and pray to God for their dreams and cherished aims come true. One of them is the ancient and powerful chapel Saint Hovhannes (Saint John) in the village of Hartagyugh, Republic of Armenia, which the Armenians of Tbilisi visit with great love and special devotion.
On August 28, 2018, receiving the blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Armenian faithful of Tbilisi, led by Deacon 20140101 124318Yeghishe Harutyunyan, left for this sanctuary in the Motherland.
The faithful well knew that in order to reach the chapel, they have to climb the one of the high mountains of the Pambak Ridge, where is located this ancient chapel of the 19th century. Overcoming a three-kilometer hard road, the pilgrims lit candles with deep faith and prayed to the Almighty God in the chapel. In their desire to make a pilgrimage, they enjoyed the beauty of the 20140101 105409sanctuary, received great spiritual light and continued the journey after a short pause.
The next stop of the pilgrims was the Yot Verk (Seven Wounds) church in Gyumri. Here, the Armenian community of Tbilisi was welcomed by spiritual servant Deacon Sargis Harutyunyan. The latter present to the pilgrims the history of the church, told them about disasters and hardships and explain the mystery of the church's name.  Afterwards, the pilgrims visited the Surb Nshan (Holy Sign) church, where also prayed to the Almighty God.
The faithful pilgrims from Tbilisi returned their homes late in the evening spiritually enlightened and with a cherished desire to make such a pilgrimage again.

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