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Teryan’s Day turned into a truly folk celebration in Javakheti PDF Print E-mail

A1Starting from 1967, the penultimate weekend of July is dedicated to the talented son of Javakheti, great Armenian classical poet Vahan Teryan and his magnificent poetry. 2
Staying true to the tradition, on July 21, 2018, in the village of Gandza, Ninotsminda region, the memory of the talented poet was honored again as a symbol of immortality of his poetry.   
From early morning, the village of Gandza, Ninotsminda region was crowded and the festive mood was prevailed. Guests have arrived from Tbilisi, various regions of Georgia, Motherland and Russian Federation.
The festive day began in the Saint Karapet church, built in 1859, by Ter Grigor, grandfather of the great poet. On the occasion of the day, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan celebrated the Divine Liturgy with the participation of Rev. Father Armash Poghosyan, Pastor of Saint Sargis church in Ninotsminda region and Rev. Father Tigran Mkhitaryan, Pastor of Saint Sargis church in Diliska, Akhalkalaki region.
3During the Divine Liturgy, the Diocesan Primate noted that the day is a festive as the Feast of Saint Gregory the Illuminator's Sons and Grandsons celebrates. He also touched upon the mystery of Teryan's Day. 4
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, under the leadership of the Diocesan Primate and with the participation of spiritual fathers Repose of Souls was offered for the peace of souls of Vahan Teryan and his dynasty.   
Anivard Mosoyan, Mayor of Ninotsminda; Smbat Kyureghyan, Chairman of Ninotsminda Municipality Assembly (Sakrebulo) and other officials attended the Divine Liturgy and visited Vahan Teryan’s House Museum, where Director Vagharshak Tangamyan met them. Guests toured the house museum, watched museum samples and documentary materials related to the great Armenian poet.  
Afterwards, in afternoon, at the plain of Gandza village, a traditional celebration dedicated to the Teryan’s Day took place because no one hall could fit all the admirers of Teryan’s poetry, those who wanted to pay tribute to the memory of the great poet. The event was conducted by the head of Educational, Cultural and Youth Department of Ninotsminda Municipality Zhora Snkhchyan.
On behalf of the gathered people, the latter congratulated His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan on his birthday and wished him health and long years of spiritual service. Congratulations were 5accompanied by the thunderous ovation of the attendees.
In attendance were Members of Parliament of Georgia Henzel Mkoyan, David Chichinadze, Member of Parliament of the Republic of Armenia Shirak Torosyan, representative of RA Ministry of Diaspora Taron Shagoyan and other guests.
The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia Ruben Sadoyan, the editor of “Vrastan” (Georgia) newspaper Van Bayburtyan and other attendees delivered speeches.
The celebration of Teryan’s Day in Javakheti turned into a truly folk feast with performances of Akhalkalaki, Tsalka’s and local Song and Dance Ensembles as well as individual artists.

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