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Marina Kirakosyan – Mosesova’s creative evening at the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center PDF Print E-mail

A1On June 2, 2018, creative evening of poetess Marina Kirakosyan – Mosesova – member of Writers Association of Georgia, 1 1“Vernatun” Union of Armenian Writers of Georgia, “Arion” Literary Union; took place at the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The charm of the poetry of famous poetess brought together the admirers of poetry.
The poetess herself conducted the evening, presented to the attendees her poems, which did not leave anyone indifferent. Poems were saturated with deep emotions, touched upon actual problems, realistically described the facts and presented urgency of topics.
The poetess deeply perceives life with its all glorious phenomena and complicated obstacles. Her poetry is full of deep humanism. The poems which praise humans are saturated with the faith of God.
Poems written in the spirit of patriotism reflects author’s love towards her two Homelands – Armenia and Georgia.   
1 2The romances of Rachmaninoff and songs of Komitas, performed by Svetlana Tatoeva, with accompaniment of Karen Mirzoyan made the evening more beautiful.
Students of Tbilisi N104 Armenian School recited Marina Kirakosyan – 1 3Mosesova’s poems in Armenian and Russian languages. The poems, translated into Armenian by poet Ara Artyan were presented and Gary Ghalamkarov read the translation into Georgian of the poem devoted to Marina Kirakosyan written by Aghasi Gevorgyan.
It is remarkable the translated into Armenian poem “God’s Temple” written by Slava Sahakyan was presented to the attendees by its translator.  
The evening took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

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