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The 100th anniversary of the Heroic Battle was celebrated in Satkha PDF Print E-mail

A1On June 1, the 100th anniversary of the Heroic Battle of Satkha was solemnly celebrated in the village of Satkha, Ninotsminda region. The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, accompanied by Pastor of Armenians in Ninotsminda region Rev. Father Armash Poghosyan, Pastor of Armenians in Rustavi and Marneuli cities Rev. Father Narek Ghushchyan and Diocesan Headquarter officials participated in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Heroic Battle of Satkha village. Members of the Parliament of Georgia Henzel Mkoyan, Samvel Manukyan, 1David Chichinadze, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia Ruben Sadoyan, Chairman of Municipality Assembly (Sakrebulo) of Akhalkalaki Nairi Iritsyan, Chairman of Niniotsminda Municipality Assembly (Sakrebulo) Smbat Kyureghyan, Mayors of Akhalkalaki and Ninotsminda Yurik Unanyan and Anivard Mosoyan respectively, other representatives of local authorities were present at the celebration.
The day was festive. Numerous guests from different regions of Georgia, as well as Satkha villagers from Motherland and Russian Federation arrived in Satkha.
2The head of Educational and Cultural Department of Ninotsminda Municipality, Director of the “Rafael Javakh” Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia Zhora Snkhchyan offered opening remarks and congratulated attendees. The latter touched upon the mystery of day and commemorate 500 Satkha villagers who deceased heroically, highly valued unbending will and heroism of the locals in the battle.
The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan began his speech with reading of Pontifical Letter of Blessings of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. Afterwards, His Grace congratulated and offered his good wishes to the participants.  Ambassador 3Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia Ruben Sadoyan, the founders of the feast - historian and ethnographer Artyusha Sanosyan, Albert Isoyan and others made congratulatory remarks.
The day truly turned into feast due to performances of the artists, arrived from Armenia – “Sasna Tsrer” (“Daredevils of Sasun”) Dance Ensemble, folk singers Arsen Grigoryan (Mro), Mkrtich Mkrtchyan, Arsen Grigoryan, Mavr Mkrtchyan, as well as Dance and Song Ensembles “Javakhk” of Akhalkalaki, “Parvana” of Ninotsminda, 4“Jigrashen”, “Nairi” and individual performers.
Commemoration of the Heroic Battle of Satkha, which started to take place in 2003, on the initiative of Sanosyan's family, by the decision of Ninotsminda Municipality Assembly, has been granted an official status, with the expectation to be included in the Calendar of national holidays of Georgia by the Georgian Ministry of Culture.
This year, with the financial support of the Sanosyan’s family and Satkha villagers abroad, an open-air venue for ceremonies was built. As a result, thousands of guests 5enjoyed the feast and reception.
The events dedicated to the 100th anniversary started in the village early in the morning with various sport competitions.
In 1918, Turkish 5th division was heading towards Javakheti to conquer Tbilisi, but met with resistance of Satkha villagers. The volunteer groups and commanders also joined and stopped Turkish regular army, ensuring the transfer of residents to Tsalka and blocking the way of enemy towards Tbilisi. After the Heroic Battles of Sardarapat, Bash-Abaran and Karakilisa, the Battle of Satkha halted the advancement of the enemy's army.
Hundreds of Armenian soldiers were deceased, causing great losses to enemy and preventing the massacre both Armenians of Javakheti and the intent of enemy to conquer Tbilisi.

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