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Private performance of “Barekendan” in the puppet theatre of the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” PDF Print E-mail

A1On May 18, 2018, private performance of “Barekendan” (written by Hovhannes Tumanyan) took place in the puppet theatre of the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center, which operates under the auspices of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.
The Diocesan officials, students of the senior group of “Surb Movses Khorenatsi” (“Saint Moses of Khoren”) preschool and their teachers were sitting at the hall of Tumanyan's house.
The event was honored with the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, accompanied by Genadi Ghandilyan and Rafael Yeprikyan, who were born in the village of Korkh and now live in Russia. IMG 3593
In her speech, Gisane Hovsepyan, Director of the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” attached great importance to the mission of the puppet theatre, which operates here. She particularly emphasized the importance of the presentation to the children not only the works written by the Great writer from Lori, but also other writers' works through play and speech of puppets. Then she invited the attendees to watch the “Barekendan” play.
The curtain of the puppet theatre opened. The guests were admired the beautiful and detailed work done by the Director Armen Hovhannisyan. The latter had skillfully IMG 3626decorated the scene and prepared the puppets in accordance with the content of the poem, spirit of Tumanyan's life period and atmosphere.
Ashot Simonyan, Aren Mkrtchyan, Edita Zohrabyan, actors of Tbilisi State Drama Theatre after Petros Adamyan, as well as founder Armen Hovhannisyan skillfully performed the play, through proper artistic movements and speech they presented always modern “Barekendan” which left indelible impressions on the attendees, especially  on the children.
After the performance, the Director commented on the mystery of the poem – the folk simplicity, love and faith in humans.
Rev. Father Kirakos Simonyan, Spiritual Superintendent of the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” highly appreciated the great creative work done by the puppeteer, the creation of puppets and decorations, musical arrangement and combining of lights. All of this makes the performance highly valued, movable and professionally implemented.
The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan in his final speechIMG 3639 highly valued presented performances and noted although plays are not long, only 15 minutes, but are invaluable for their educational significance. If these plays remind adults about their childish years, then for the children they became a step towards life and its recognition. The simplicity of the peasant husbands, their naivety and confidence that comes from the faith of humans – these are main episodes of “Barekendan” performance. The Diocesan Primate also attached great importance to the role of the puppet theater plays in upbringing of children from preschool age.
The Diocesan Primate expressed gratitude to the founder of the theatre Armen Hovhannisyan, Director of the Center Gisane Hovsepyan, all the organizers and personnel of the puppet theatre. At the conclusion of the private performance the hospitality of both children and adults took place at the balcony of Tumanyan's house.

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