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The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ at the Surb Khach church in Gumburdo PDF Print E-mail

A1The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ is movable feast and it is celebrating after forty days 32187207of the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ’s Ascension opened the way to the heaven.
The Ascension is the feast of the growth of the nature, its fertility and puberty. At the Ascension Day, the people go to the fields with dances, songs and joyful mood and thanks and glorify the Almighty God for the salvation of Jesus Christ.
In 2018 the Feast was celebrated on May 10. This year also, in accordance with the tradition, the Ascension feast was solemnly 32205845celebrated in the village of Gumburdo, Akhalkalaki region. The Feast was launched at the Surb Khach (Holy Cross) Church (the Armenian Diocese in Georgia) in Gumburdo. 32212725
Rev. Father Yeghishe Harutyunyan, pastor of Akhalkalaki and nearby villages celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the Ascension. During the Divine Liturgy, Rev. Father preached about the mystery of the day, congratulated the faithful on the occasion of the feast.
Many Gumburdo villagers gathered in the church were joined by pilgrims of the Surb Khach church from 32247354Akhalkalaki and students of the Choir “Voices of Javakhk” of the Samtskhe – Javakheti and Tsalka’s General Prelacy.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the folk celebration called “Jan Gyulum” feast took place in the Surb Khach church’s courtyard. By Godfather of the Church Cross Valeri Saharyan’s family the harisa, Armenian traditional dish of the Ascension feast was distributed to the faithful.
Everyone - the elderly and young people had joyful and festive mood.

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