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The Feast of St. Vartan the Captain and his 1036 Companions at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia PDF Print E-mail

A1On February 8, 2018, under the presidency of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, to mark the Feast of St. Vartan the Captain and his 1036 Companions a Divine Lirutgy was celebrated in the Saint Gevorg Cathedral in Tbilisi.1

In attendance were the clergy, deacons and acolytes, Armenian intellectuals and faithful of Tbilisi. The occasion was honored with the presence of diplomats of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia, Karen Parunakyan, Artak Grabsky and Armenia's military 2attaché to Georgia, Colonel Samvel Ramazyan.

The celebrant was Rev. Father Virap Ghazaryan, Pastor of St. Etchmiadzin Church in the Avlabari neighborhood.

The celebrant and the clergy offered a prayer at the altar consecrated in the name of Saint Vartan Mamikonyan and His Companions in the Cathedral of Saint George.3

The Diocesan Primate, Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, presided over the repose of the soul service during the Divine Liturgy.

Father Virap preached about the mystery of the day, valiant commanders and their companions, who fought for their faith and homeland. “Sts. Vartanantz are an example of spirit, power and memory, but above all, they are sacred. And even today, through their names and intercession we can shape our future,” – highlighted Father Virap in his sermon and noted that the feast of St. Vartan the Captain and his Companions is a demonstration of willing patriotism and spirit, faith and devotion. The celebrant father 4Virap urged the faithful to remain loyal to the memory and heritage of St. Ghevond and St. Vartan and their companions, be ready to sacrifice our life.

The Feast day of St. Vartan the Captain and Companions is also celebrated as the Naming Day of His Holiness Karekin II. To mark the occasion, at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, a Pontifical Prayer was offered before the Holy Altar. A joint prayer service was offered for the vibrancy and glory of the Catholicosate of All Armenians, wishing the Supreme Patriarch a long and healthy life, and successful Pontificate.5

The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia extended his message of blessing to the faithful and the clergymen, referring to the victory obtained in the struggle for survival, freedom gained through strength of mind, steadfastness in Christian faith and defense of the motherland. The Bishop reflected on the meaning of the Vardanants War for the Georgian people, highlighting the struggle of two neighboring nations, Armenians and Georgians, for freedom and Motherland under Vartan Mamikonian and Vakhtang Gorgasali. The Primate congratulated all those whose Naming Day is celebrated on the Feast of St. Vartan, wishing them to be worthy children and followers of St. Vartan and his companions.

In observance of the feast of St. Vartan the Warrior and His Companions Divine Liturgy was celebrated in all the churches of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.

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