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Translator Makvala Georkova-Sahakyan Awarded with Anna Kalandadze Prize for Literature PDF Print E-mail

A1On December 16, 2017, as if the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center for Science and Culture of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted the next event of Tumanyan’s “Vernatun”: Armenian and Georgian writers, translators, community officials had gathered under one roof. The event was devoted to the 75th anniversary of merited translator (from Armenian into Georgian, from Georgian into Armenian) and creator Makvala Georkova-Sahakyan, and the presentation of Anna Kalandadze Prize for Literature.

The event was jointly organized by the Union of Writers of Georgia and the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center for Science and Culture. In attendance was Makvala Georkova-Sahakyan, who had arrived from Yerevan on the solemn occasion.DSC02859

Makvala Georkova-Sahakyan was born and grew up in Georgia, graduated from Tbilisi State University, Philology faculty, since 1968 she has settled in Yerevan and devoted herself to her work. She has translated works of Georgian and Armenian classic and contemporary writers, Levon Ananyan’s “Wild poppy”, Chabua Amirejibi’s “Data Tutashkhia”.

Director of the “Home of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center for Science and Culture, Gisane Hovsepyan gave opening remarks; she touched upon the path taken to return the home to the Armenian IMG 8230community of Georgia, and the mission of the newly created home of Tumanyan.

President of the Union of Writers of Georgia, editor-in-chief of “Tsiskari” magazine, Baghater Arabuli; served as master of ceremonies. He touched upon the works and translations of Makvala Georkova-Sahakyan, congratulated her on her 75th anniversary, named her the ambassador of the Georgian culture and granted authoritative award of the Union of Writers of Georgia to the translator for her dedication to practice of translation.

It is not the first time that, a member of the Union of Writers of Armenia and the Union of Writers of Georgia, who has devoted herself to literature, has been granted a prize. She is a winner of Machabeli Prize of the Union of Writers of Georgia, she was granted the Kantegh (Lamp) Award of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and the Writers Union of Armenia, was awarded with the Gold Medal of the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Education and Science, as well as other prizes.DSC02870

Poet and translator Givi Shakhnazari; public figure and activist Guliko Zumbadze; writer Badri Kutateladze; the editor of “Vrastan” (Georgia) newspaper Van Bayburtyan; President of the Foundation of Young Creators of Georgia, poet and translator Makvala Gonashvili; literary critic Artyom Kirakozov and others congratulated the merited translator on her 75th anniversary and winning the award, expressed their words of appreciation for her high skills and professionalism.

President of Shota Rustaveli Association David Shemokmedeli bestowed the translator, who reinforces the cultural ties between the two peoples, with the Association’s Honorary Member card.

On behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia, the First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia, Artur Sargsyan; wished the writer and translator to conquer new heights.

A child of two countries, daughter of two nations Makvala Georkova-Sahakyan gave a speech in which she expressed gratitude to the attendees for their congratulations and good wishes; and mentioned DSC02867that she would continue her activities. She has written 28 books and has prepared 11 more.

In his closing remarks, Pastor of the Saint Etchmiadzin Church of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Rev.Father Virap Ghazaryan; transmitted the blessings and good wishes of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan. Recalling the words Great Tumanyan about translations, Father Virap stressed the important role of translations in bringing people, nations and countries closer, and wished the translator to successfully continue her important mission.

Makvala Georkova-Sahakyan donated a picture of the “Vernatun” members from her library to the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center.

The event featured sensational performances by musicians Barbare Asanidze and Giorgi Turmanidze.

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