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Event Entitled “The Continuing Battle of Avarayr” – at the Rafael Javakh Center PDF Print E-mail

A1On December 3, 2017, the Rafael Javakh Cultural Educational and Youth Center in Ninotsminda (Armenian Diocese in Georgia), hosted an event entitled “The Continuing Battle of Avarayr”, which was dedicated to the Armenian nation’s struggle for survival and Christian faith.

The event was organized by Armenian history club and Armenian Church history club, led by teachers Rima and Anahit Sahakyans.

The Armenian nation’s struggle for survival and Christian faith is already 1,800 years old. It all started when Armenia officially adopted Christianity as state religion. The struggle continues today. Every time the treacherous enemy attacked with the intent to kill and threaten our faith, the nation came together in order to preserve our national identity, our dignity and the Armenia Church.1

The event had a deep philosophical message. The attendees became witnesses to many historical facts and events, including the Battle of Avarayr, the Armenian Genocide, the Great Patriotic War, the Battle of Sardarapat, the Artsakh Liberation War, the Four day War in April…

The staged performance, featuring recitations and songs performed by the choir, out of the mouth of children and teenagers, was our oath to keep the traditions of the 2heroes who died in the Battle of Avarayr, as an apple of the eye, to do our best to create a powerful Armenia and fight against the enemy. 60 talented students of the Center participated in the event.

Director of the Rafael Javakh Center, Zhora Snkhchyan extended his appreciation to the event organizers and the Center’s staff, whose joint work and conscious attitude resulted in the matinee performance imbued with patriotism.

Rev. Father Armash Poghosyan, Pastor of the region, offered his remarks of appreciation. Father Armash transmitted paternal love and good wishes 3of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan; he highly appreciated the activities, aimed at multilateral education and patriotic upbringing of a new generation.

The event made a deep impression on the attendees.

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