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Book Presentation and First Screening of Film PDF Print E-mail

A1On November 19, 2017, the Galouste Gyulbenkyan Hall of the Hayartun Center at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted presentation of a book by Sergo Yeritsyan “The Tamamshyants: Dynasty of Tbilisi Natives" of series of books “Prominent Armenian Businessmen and Philanthropists” and the first screening of a film.

In attendance were diplomats from the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia, Armenian community officials, Tbilisi-Armenian intellectuals, civil society members.

The occasion was honored with the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan.1

The author of the book Sergo Yeritsyan, accompanied by film producer Armen Muradyan and director of photography Samvel Galstyan, had arrived specially to attend the event. In attendance was the daughter of Alexander Tamamshyants, Natalia Tamamshyants.

Director of Culture Department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Levon Chidilyan, gave opening remarks; he briefly presented the 6th visit of Sergo Yeritsyan to the Hayartun Center, highlighting that Sergo Yeritsyan finds his duty to go to Tbilisi every year with a new book and a new film, to present praiseworthy Armenians from book series “Prominent Armenian Businessmen and Philanthropists” to the Armenians of Tbilisi. He recalled that Sergo Yeritsyan has written books and made films about life and work of Armenian businessmen and philanthropists Alexander Alexander Mantashev, Mikael Aramyants, Hovhannes Ananian-Hovnanian. This time Sergo Yeritsyan had arrived with a book which tells about the famous dynasty of Tamamshyants and a film (4 episodes). Sergo Yeritsyan’s book about the famous dynasty of Tamamshyants is published to mark the author’s 60th birthday anniversary.

Speaking about the book, Professor Yeritsyan stressed that the book tells about the famous dynasty of Tamamshyants whose descendants were not only engaged in business and trade but also in charitable activities. They did 2not remain indifferent to the problems and challenges faced by Armenians, Georgians and other nations and helped them improve social conditions and education opportunities. The famous dynasty of Tamamshyants was very successful, they were engaged in charitable activities, such as building an opera house, educational institutions, installing water pipes, experienced and shared the difficulties of others.

In his remarks, the author presented the activities and charity of the dynasty of Tamamshyants in different cities, such as Stavropol, Saint Petersburg, Moscow, and Yerevan. The Professor said that his aim was to present the palette of the best human traits and features of the dynasty to public.

Sergo Yeritsyan expressed his gratitude to the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan; thanks to whose efforts his Armenian Tiflis, books and films about Tbilisi-Armenians are being born. Chairman of the Patriotic Union “Lorva Dzor”(“Lori Valley”) expressed his gratitude to Yuri Mikirtumyan, an expert of Armenian heritage of Tbilisi; Director of the Hayartun Center, Levon Chidilyan; cameraman and 3photographer Gevorg Poghosov; journalist Victoria Maksoeva and others, who made the book and the film possible, thanks to their support the books and films from the series “Prominent Armenian Businessmen and Philanthropists” are being created.

Afterwards, the attendees watched the documentary dedicated to the dynasty of Tamamshyants.

Following the film screening, an exchange of opinions took place. The editor of “Vrastan” (Georgia) newspaper Van Bayburtyan; Chairman of the Union of Armenian Intellectuals of Georgia, Yenok Tadevosyan; Victoria Maksoeva, the journalist of the “Centre for Cultural Relations – Caucasian House”; and others expressed their vision and opinions. The speakers were interested in the fate of the Surb Khach (Holy Cross) Church built by Tamamshyants at the Cemetery of Vera, as well as the gravestones of Egor and Lidia Tamamshyants in the courtyard of the Norashen Holy Mother of God Church.

4Every time Sergo Yeritsyan comes to Tbilisi and presents a new book and a movie he announces his future plans. According to the author, the next will be about Alikhanyans family.

The aim of every book of the series is to keep the memory of life and work, philanthropic acts of individuals, who played important role in Armenian life of Tbilisi, alive.

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