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“The Prayers of Yeghishe Charents” At the Rafael Javakh Center PDF Print E-mail

2363216On November 19, 2017, the Rafael Javakh Cultural Educational and Youth Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted a literary and musical event entitled “The Prayers of Yeghishe Charents”. It was organized by the “Parnas” Recitation Classes, led by Satik Snkhchyan. The poems of an outstanding poet, written in the last years of Yeghishe Charents’ life, were read one after the other. These poems are the real prayers, great examples of wonderful Armenian poetry. Unfortunately, these works are not so well-known, they reflect the poet’s personal journey back to the Christian faith, his prayers to God, his acceptance of his death.

The members of the “Parnas” Recitation Classes, Anna Ayvazyan, Diana Altunyan, Hripsime Muradyan. Hasmik Potoghlyan, Marina Norsoyan,1 1 Hasmik Ghazaryan, Fiala Baboyan, Laura Mzikyan, with the help of their teacher had chosen these prayers of Charents, which are a wonderful continuation of the series of exceptional poems called “Tagharan”, not so well-known part of the legacy that the poet left in Armenian literature.

During the literary and musical event, teacher Satik Snkhchyan held a question and answer session. To the sounds of warm rounds of applause from the audience the children recited the poems and gave wise answers to the questions she proposed.

Irina Gharslyan, choirmaster of the “Aravot Luso” Choir was in charge of a musical program. The event featured performances by the choir and soloists Arsen Ashjoyan, Gor 1 2Terteryan, Suzanna Eloyan, Roza Kulakhsozyan.

Rev. Father Armash Poghosyan, Pastor of Surb Sargis Church and Armenians in Ninotsminda, offered his blessings to the attendees and highly estimated the literary and musical event.

Director of the Rafael Javakh Cultural and Educational Center, Zhora Snkhchyan, distributed the copies of the 11th yearbook of the Vernatun Union of Armenian Writers of Georgia among the participants.

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