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Representative of Georgian Youth to the UN Met With Armenian Youth PDF Print E-mail

a1On November 15, 2017, the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the “Hayartun” Center at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted a meeting between the Representative of Georgian youth to the UN, Founder of The Peace Foundation in Georgia, Giorgi Tumasyan and the Armenian youth.

The hall was crowded. In attendance were students, prospective university entrants, high school students and many youth. The event was organized by the Youth Department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia (Director: Valery Badalyan).

Giorgi Tumasyan’s name is familiar to Armenian youth of Georgia. He is actively involved in public life, actively engaged in the Armenian community and has strong ties with the Armenian Church, which is an eloquent testimony to the fact that the young Armenian, regardless of his nationality, is a true citizen of his IMG 6942birthplace; he represents the young people of Georgia at the United Nations to protect their interests.

Offering welcoming remarks to the audience, Giorgi Tumasyan spoke about the structure of the United Nations, its role in the international arena, the struggle for peace, highlighted the goal of his activities as the Representative of Georgian youth to the UN, as well as activity directions and his duties.

The Peace Foundation founder delivered an interesting and informative speech. Referring to the current world situation, regions facing conflict, terrorism and migration, the speaker mentioned the current situation in Georgia and the issues facing the young people in Georgia.

In his remarks, Giorgi Tumasyan stressed the important role of the Armenian youth in Georgian civil society. Stressing the importance of education and personal development, the young politician spoke about language proficiency in the official state language, integrity of ethnic minorities, living in Georgia.

IMG 6957The information on the latest innovations in technology, which Giorgi Tumasyan had personally explored at an exhibition, was of particular interest.

During the meeting, the speaker entertained many questions from the youth. Key questions were related to education abroad opportunities, working abroad options, finding a job in the country and other issues.

The meeting was very interesting and informative, as it provided the Armenian youth with the opportunity to know what concerns and inspires modern youth around the world.

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