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Private Screening of the Movie “Side by Side” PDF Print E-mail

a1On November 12, 2017, the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the “Hayartun” Center at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted private screening of the movie “Side by Side” shot by Aliq Media Armenian Information Portal in Georgia in association with DVV International.

In attendance was the film crew, led by the editor-in-chief Arsen Kharatyan and editor Pavel Oganezov.

The editor-in-chief of Aliq Media Armenian Information Portal in Georgia presented the story of idea formation and the shootings. Meanwhile, there is an ongoing 1armed conflict in Artsakh and along the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the residents of Georgian villages Tsopi and Khozhorni – Georgian citizens of Armenian and Azerbaijani descent peacefully coexist without discrimination on the basis of nationality, they rejoice, support each other in difficult times, share joy and sorrow, follow the traditions of their ancestors. Tsopi and Khozhorni are one of those rare places, where Armenian and Azerbaijani children play together, sit at the same desk at school, young people fall in love and sometimes get married.

Movie presents thoughts and opinions expressed by fellow villagers on war and peace, issues facing Armenians and Azerbaijanis, the impact of the Armenian and 2Azerbaijani media on the residents of the communities and other issues.

The attendees attentively watched the movie. They appreciated the idea of the realistic movie, so important nowadays, which aims to condemn military operation and 3show the desire for universal peace.

The guests held a question and answer session. The questions related to lack of Azerbaijani language in the movie, the learning process and school life. The attendees made a suggestion to enrich the film with the examples of partnership at work, celebration of feasts and respectful attitude towards traditions and each other.

The speakers highlighted the professional shooting and film editing.

Armenian (Հայերեն)Georgian (ქართული)English (United Kingdom)Russian (Русский)