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Bible Verse Miniature Paintings by Susanna Mkrtchyan PDF Print E-mail

aOn October 22, 2017, Merited Cultural Figure of the Republic of Armenia, Professor, painter Susanna Mkrtchyan opened her personal exhibition in the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of “Hayartun” Center of the Armenian Diocese of Georgia.IMG 5911

The well-known painter introduced Armenian art lovers of Tbilisi to her miniature paintings on canvas, which are a wonderful expression of her boundless talent. A beautiful gamma of colors on canvas was based on the life of Jesus Christ – from joyful Christmas tidings to Jesus Christ’s ascension into heaven, in line with exhibition entitled “From the Annunciation to the Ascension or Great Lent”.

The hall was crowded. In attendance were the diplomat from the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia, community leaders, art lovers, foreigners, many guests from Armenia, including Hovhannes Varyan, Head of the RA Police Educational Complex; Pastor of Katoghike Holy Mother of God Church and Saint Anna Church in Yerevan, Rev. Father Zenon Barsegyan; Pastor of Surp Hovhannes (Saint John the Evangelist) Church in Artashat, Rev. Father Tatul Galstyan.

IMG 5954The occasion was honored with the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan.

Armenians of Tbilisi are familiar with the art of Susanna Mkrtchyan. Susanna Mkrtchyan’s samples are not only a unique synthesis of sculptures and paintings, but IMG 5976also wonderful paintings that were perfectly created during an intricate and time-consuming process. After seeing her bas-relief works, the Armenian community had a great desire to communicate with the painter’s imaginary world. Susanna Mkrtchyan conceived this idea and implemented by presenting samples of her miniature paintings to the Armenian visitor of Tbilisi.

She presented 25 samples of her miniature paintings: the path of Christ, with unique description, which was Susanna Mkrtchyan’s Great Lenten experience with creative work and joy of ascension.

IMG 6009In his opening remarks, Director of the Cultural Department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Levon Chidilyan, introduced the talented painter, valued her work and innate talent.

First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia, Artur Sargsyan, miniature painter Meruzhan Shahumyan; Susanna Khachatryan, Chairman of the Association of Armenian Women of Georgia “Shushanik”; painter, potter Levon Osipov, noted that Susanna Mkrtchyan paints in many genres. She can paint, IMG 6045create graphic works, paint on silk, make collages on paper and more.

Susanna Mkrtchyan, having exhibited her paintings in 40 countries around the world, expressed words of gratitude to the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and the “Hayartun” Center (operating under the auspices of the Diocese) for the reception and hosting her second exhibition in the hall. The gifted painter donated with great pleasure one of her works – a khachkar (cross-stone) with iconic image of St. Sarkis- to the Diocese, and the copies of last re-edition of “Narek” to the Bishop and Levon Chidilyan.

IMG 6255The exhibition ended with the blessing and words of appreciation of His Grace, Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, who attached importance to the mindset that is so necessary for the development of a country. His Holiness also appreciated the Susanna Mrtchyan for her highly artistic works and great organizational ability that helped establish the Aesthetic Center of Gyumri, which has become a home for providing many generations of Armenians with an aesthetic education. The Diocesan Primate proposed to organize this exhibition at the Alexander Mantashev Center in Batumi, and the “Rafael Javakh” Center in Ninotsminda, and presented Susanna Mrtchyan with a copy of trilingual book-album “The Martyrdom of the Holy Queen Shushanik”.

With great responsibility and a special love, the painter had come to the exhibition with her family and voiced hope to meet with the art lovers of Tbilisi again, and to introduce her oil color paintings.

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