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The Saint Nerses Shnorhali Youth Choir Presents the Fruits of the Year PDF Print E-mail


On June 28, 2017, the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the Hayartun Center at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted a reporting concert of the Saint Nerses Shnorhali Youth Choir (choirmaster: Maria Aboulyan, piano: Karen Mirzoyan).

The concert was attended by the clergy of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, employees of the Diocesan Headquarters, guests and parents. First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia, Artur Sargsyan; honored the performance with his presence.

The occasion was honored with the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan.

The event began with the Lord's Prayer and the blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.

The Head of the Hayartun Center, Levon Chidilyan gave opening remarks. He mentioned that Saint Nerses Shnorhali Youth Choir had been created at the same time as the Hayartun Center, the choir developed choral techniques in step with the demands, and choir’s repertoire was regularly enriched and perfected.

The children attend rehearsals of the choir, learn how to perform songs in different arrangements, train and improve their professional knowledge, improve their singing voice, many Armenian teenagers gain knowledge about Armenian culture and are active in spreading Armenian culture.

During the reporting concert the choir’s soloists Ani Torosyan, Ani Mikaelyan, Anna Bayazyan, Ruzanna Mikaelyants, Era Minasyan and Donara Arsenyan performed music of different styles – national, pop and modern music. Many of them, who grew up in the choir, sing in the church choirs of the Saint George Cathedral and the Saint Etchmiadzin Church, as well as in Hayos Band Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble. The Saint Nerses Shnorhali Youth Choir ensures its future. The debut of choir featuring the students of the St. Movses Khorenatsi Preschool, took place during the concert.

During this year, the choir members have improved their performance skills substantially, they showed wonderful progress. In addition to folk songs, pieces of classic and national art, the choir for the first time performed Gevork Snkhcnyan’s and Anahit Bostanjyan’s poems turned into songs, as well as Georgian, Russian and other foreign songs. The highlight of the concert was the performance of the Armenian musical composition "Artsakh" composed by Ara Gevorgyan, featuring the Saint Nerses Shnorhali Youth Choir, Hayos Band Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble, duduk and dhol classes of the Hayartun Center.

The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan praised the reporting concert of the Saint Nerses Shnorhali Youth Choir for academic year 2016-2017. The Bishop thanked the Cultural Department Head, Levon Chidilyan, for keeping the Armenian spirit of the Center alive, moving the work of the Hayartun Center in the right direction. The Diocesan Primate highly estimated the work of choirmaster Maria Abulyan and piano accompanist Karen Mirzoyan (the Saint Nerses Shnorhali Children’s Choir), duduk and dhol tutors Ivane Mkrtchyan and Robert Kashavanidze, Hayos Band Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble Artistic Director, Vladimir Asaturov, who instill a love of Armenian culture in students. Groups’ presentation skills of pieces of foreign culture were highlighted.

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