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Istanbul-Armenian Photographer’s “The Armenians in Turkey” Photo Exhibition in Tbilisi PDF Print E-mail

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On April 2, 2017, the Calouste Gulbenkian hall of the Hayartun Center at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted the opening of contemporary Istanbul-Armenian photographer Nouran Akkaya’s photo exhibition entitled “The Armenians in Turkey”.

This exhibition kicked of the 102nd Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The event was held at the initiative and with the support of the RA Ministry of Diaspora.

The focus of the 50 exhibited photos is on Turkish-Armenians, the portraits of representatives of different layers. The photos mainly portray Constantinople and Anatolia, the Holy Cross Church on Akhtamar Island of Van and the last Armenian Vakifli village of Musa Dagh, as well as Kars and Kesaria. The Istanbul-Armenian photographer wanted to introduce the public to the talented Armenians living in Turkey and in the shade through his portraits.

The exhibition sparked great interest among the Armenians of Tbilisi, who mentally travelled backward in time visiting the Western Armenian provinces, seeing the life of Armenian living in Turkey.

Head of the Cultural Department in the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Levon Chidilyan gave opening remarks. He introduced photographer Nouran Akkaya, whose family roots go back to Sebastia, spoke about his love and commitment to preserve his national identity.

In his remarks, the Chairman of the Union of Armenian Intellectuals of Georgia, Yenok Tadevosyan, spoke generally about the Armenians in Turkey, noting in particular the history of Armenians in Istanbul, who had been contributing to all fields of society, and the Armenian greats, who were born in Istanbul, but everywhere declared their Armenian descent.

Rev. Father Virap Ghazaryan, Pastor of the Saint Etchmiadzin Church in Tbilisi, talked about the type of Armenian in the person of photographer Nouran Akkaya, as well as the commitment to faith and patriotism of many Armenians living in Turkey, highlighting the national spirit they have preserved.

Istanbul-Armenian Photographer opened his first exhibition in Yerevan. Tbilisi is the second city to host the event. The exhibition will run until April 20.

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