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The Screening of the Documentary “Vardan Grigorian” PDF Print E-mail


On March 19, 2017, the Galouste Gyulbenkyan Hall of the Hayartun Center at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted the screening of the film “Famous Historian and Armenologist Vardan Grigoryan” from the documentary series “Armenian Honored Workers”. The film examines the biography of the eminent scientist and honest citizen, his scientific efforts, journalistic and civic activities.

In attendance were the guests from Yerevan, who had arrived specially to introduce the film to the audience, including screenwriter and producer Laura Minasyan, director of photography and sound director Karen Kharatyan, the film crew members Lilit Kharatyan and Mari Markaryan, and the son of the scientist - former RA Consul General in Batumi, Aram Grigoryan. The documentary was attended by First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia, Artur Sargsyan; the clergymen of the Saint Etchmiadzin Church in Avlabari, Armenian civil society members in Tbilisi.

The event was honored by the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan.

The informative off-screen narration, the skills of the film director, a wonderful combination of Vardan Grigoryan’s scientific work, friendly relations and the family environment helped to make the movie interesting and dynamic, presenting the true image of distinguished and famous scientist Vardan Grigoryan. It is the scientist, who despite his advanced age, even today, with great diligence, vigor and unfading memory continues to dig into the secrets of manuscripts and unfold the mystery of the hidden pages of history.

In the movie his coworkers, family members and friends speak about the famous scientist. The film is spiced with cinema and photo materials from the family archive.

The documentary depicts his scientific studies related to the history of Armenia and Armenian settlements. In the most productive years of his life Vardan Grigoryan had organized the collection of Armenian manuscripts, antique books and documents from different places and sent them to Matenadaran. Everywhere he has presented the truth about Artsakh and the Artsakh war, revealed pro-Armenian activities of individuals of different nationalities.

Following the screening, Aram Grigoryan with filial love expressed his gratitude to the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and the Hayartun Center for the screening of the documentary and donated books from his father’s library, as well as Vardan Grigoryan scientific works, to the library of the Saint George Cathedral.

At the conclusion of the event, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia offered his appreciation and blessing remarks. His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan reminisced about episodes marking 30 years of acquaintance with the eminent scientist. The Primate emphasized the importance of Matenadaran and reflected on the merits of the scientists working there, who research and keep the indelible evidence of Armenian history sacred.

Indeed, the film was a perfect illustration of the distinguished scientist’s work.

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