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Archimandrite Khoren Hovhannisyan in Shahumian PDF Print E-mail


On September 20, 2015, the newly-appointed spiritual shepherd of the Marneuli region’s Armenian communities, Archimandrite Khoren Hovhannisyan, during his visit to the Shahumyan settlement performed the Divine Liturgy in the Surb Astvatsatsin Church (Holy Mother of God) along with the participation of Rev. Fr. Husik Harutyunyan and the choir from Tbilisi.

During the Divine Liturgy, Archimandrite Khoren read a sermon on the sacrament of the day holding the Gospel of “Chashu” (for midday prayer services of the Armenian Church). After reading from the Gospel of Mark 10:1-12, "What God has joined together, let no man put asunder", Father recalled the problem of divorces, noting that the value of the family is built on love and respect, and during his remarks encouraged everyone to be dedicated to the preservation of the Armenian family.

The local congregation listened to the sermon carefully and after that received Communion.

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