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Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Tyarndarach) in the Armenian Diocese PDF Print E-mail


On February 13, 2015 the Armenian diocese in Georgia solemnly celebrated the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Tyarndarach) - Jesus Christ was only forty days, when Mary brought him to the temple. The celebration began in Tbilisi Saint Etchmiadzin Church under the leadership of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan and with the participation of the clergy. On the eve of the feast, after the evening service, the Andastan ceremony was conducted - the blessing of the four corners of the world and candles representing the symbol of the Light of Christ.

By the order of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, the feast of Tyarndarach was proclaimed as a day of blessing of newly married couples. The couples, who got married during the last year in this church, came to receive God's benevolence and blessing.

His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan greeted everyone standing one the special stage built near the Church. He noted the importance of preserving and transferring to younger generations Armenian Church customs and traditions. The Primate has mentioned the Feast of St. Sarkis the Captain as the day of blessing of the youth. The day of blessing of newly married couples comes next. These traditional feasts unite Armenians around their Apostolic church, and they should be preserved and transferred to new generations. His Grace thanked Georgian authorities and Georgian people, who help local Armenians to retain national and spiritual values.

On the occasion of the feast the Cultural department of the Diocese (Director, Levon Chidilyan) organized a concert of national song and dance with the help of the “Hayartun” Center and its Department of Youth Affairs (Director, Valery Badalyan). The traditional Trndez fire was lighted and it contributed to the festive mood. Liza Torosyan was presenting the concert. “Vanq” (teacher, Liana Kashavanidze), “Ani” dance ensembles, “Taron” song and dance ensemble of the “Hayartun” center (teacher, Angelina Nazaryan-Kocharyan), dhol and duduk class students (teachers, Robert Kashavanidze and Ivane Mkrtchyan), solo performers Anna Poghosova, Nina Karapetyan-Gevorkova, Hovhannes Shahnazaryan, Henrikh Petrosyan, young artists of the “Hayartun” center and newly created dance ensemble from Karmir village of Marneuli region (teacher, Liana Kashavanidze)performed at the concert.

The concert continued until late evening and was finished with the beautiful fireworks.

Saint Etchmiadzin church priests with the help of church’s godfather Yuri Yeremyan organized a holiday buffet in Calouste Gulbenkian hall at the “Hayartun” center, during which young couples had a chance to get to know each other.

On February 14 the priest Ter-Narek Ghushchyan delivered a Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the Tyarndarach feast in Saint Etchmiadzin church.

Tyarndarach feast was solemnly celebrated in Samtskhe-Javakheti, Kvemo Kartli, Batumi and other churches of the Diocese.

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