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New Year Celebration in “Saint Movses Khorenatsi” Primary School PDF Print E-mail


On December 24, “Saint Movses Khorenatsi” Primary School (Director Yevgenia Markosyan) celebrated New Year in Calouste Gulbenkian Hall at Hayartun Center. The hall was decorated in winter style thanks to the efforts and imagination of primary school teachers. More than 50 students dressed in different costumes of forest animals, angels and snow maidens were waiting for Santa to come and proclaim the start of the New 2015 Year.

Not only parents and grandparent of children occupied the seats in the festively decorated hall but also Fathers and Hayartun Center officials. Diplomats from the RA Embassy in Georgia Karen Melikyan and Tigran Tumanyan attended the event.

The celebration started by the Our Father and by blessing from the leader of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan. Levon Chidilyan, the head of Hayartun Center, expressed his gratitude to all the parents, who made their choice in favor of Armenian kindergarten and Armenian education.

One after another children were surprising by their literate Armenian, happy song and dance, recitations, riddles and tongue-twisters. Children’s right behavior, nice song and dance demonstrated that the primary school develops its activity in the right direction. Qaj Nazar (Armenian fairy tale hero) and Santa Clause were very pleased and at the end gave New Year presents to all the children.

Gayane Bostanjyan (parent) thanked primary school teachers and the leader of the Armenian Diocese on behalf of all parents and encouraged all to give their children Armenian education.

At the end of the event, the leader of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan refered to children’s beautiful apparel newly discovered each year. While attaching importance to the role of the spiritual temple in preservation of the national values and in their transmission to the next generation, His Grace mentioned the relevance of having national school along with the public ones. The leader of the diocese expressed his gratitude to primary school teachers and all the employees for their devoted activity and encouraged everyone to be with the Armenian Church, attend liturgies and participate to all the ceremonies. His Grace Bishop Vazgen congratulated everyone on coming Christmas and New Year and invited them to participate in the ceremonies of Christmas celebration and consecration of water.

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