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Regional Commission on coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide held its next meeting PDF Print E-mail

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On November 4, 2014 the Regional Commission on coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide held its next meeting at the “Hayartun” center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church in Georgia.

The Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan opened the meeting with prayer. Then they read and confirmed the protocol of previous July 3 meeting, after which the Primate offered the Commission to work with a new format.

Taking into consideration the desire of social, public institutions and private figures in Georgia to realize projects within the framework of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Commission will take over the responsibility to systematize the offered projects and support them. The Commission will make this offer to the Armenian society in Georgia. The members of the Commission accepted the offer and after discussions a decision was made to act according to that approach.  

During the meeting they also discussed the idea of organizing and commemorating the day in cooperation with the Armenian Embassy in Georgia and social organizations, within the framework of the 68th anniversary of events as per the UN “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”. Within this framework it was decided to organize a meeting with representatives of diplomatic missions, cultural, national, religious structures, and historians. It was decided to introduce the crimes committed on the basis of national and religious issues, and put the focus on the Armenian Genocide.  

It was decided to award letters of appreciation to the embassies of those countries which accepted and convicted the Armenian Genocide. And the Parliamentary members of the Commission decided to continue soliciting embassies to accept the Armenian Genocide and convict it. The Commission also decided to turn to corresponding Governmental authorities in Armenian localities of Tbilisi, Georgia with the request of announcing a non-working day for Armenians at schools and universities on April 24. During the meeting they also discussed the necessity to publish a booklet in Georgian on the Armenian Genocide. The booklet will aim to increase the awareness of the Georgian society about the Armenian Genocide.                          

The members of the Commission offered to involve more Georgians and representatives of different national and religious communities in the events.

The Commission decided to hold the next meeting in the first half of December.

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