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Members of Youth Department of the Armenian Apostolic Church Diocese in Georgia visited sacred places in Akhaltsekha PDF Print E-mail


With the initiative of the Youth Department of the Diocese in Georgia (Valeri Badalyan, Director), a pilgrimage to Armenian sacred places in Akhaltsekha was organized for young Armenians in Tblisi. Early in the morning of the 1st of July, current year, a group of around 50 youngsters with the leadership of Father Manouk Zeinalyan, the spiritual leader and director of the department, left for Akhaltsekha.

The first places that the pilgrims visited was St. Grigor Lusavorich (Gregory the Illuminator) Church of Akhaltsekha, where Father Hakob Sahakyan, the parish priest of Akhaltsekha together with Father Yeghishe Harutyunyan met the guests and had a word of blessing. They introduced the history of the church to young people, as well as answered the pilgrims’ questions regarding the need for uniting people around the faith.

Naturally, there was great interest towards Holy Nshan (Sign) Church. Being well aware of the situation around this church they moved to Holy Nshan where they lighted candles and delivered their prayers to God asking for a righteous solution of the issue around the church.

To our sorrow, the chapels after Sister and Brother have got the same destiny as Holy Nshan: again under danger of being transformed into Georgian by the Georgian Orthodox Church. Here again, the pilgrims asked God to protect the Armenian places of worship.

In Akhaltsekha the young people were interested about the development of Armenian culture. They were quite impressed after visiting the creative union after Vahram Gapheschian, heard the Director, Mr. Alexander Igitkhanyan telling about the works carried out there, and watched the pieces exhibited.

Holy Zion Church in Dzoughrut village, and the 10th century Gospel sacredly preserved at Saponjian family’s home, which has become the guardian angel of the village with its power, were not left without attention too.

The youngsters’ group, who were in admiration with what they had just seen and spiritually empowered, now received a treatment by Samvel Aghekyan, a businessman originning from this place. Nevertheless, it didn’t complete with Akhaltsekha only, and young people spent the evening resting in the nature by enjoying the cool air of Borjomi national park.

The pilgrimage became unforgettable for the members of Youth Department of the Armenian Apostolic Church Diocese in Georgia.

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