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“St. MovsesKhorenatsi” preschool 2014 graduation commencement PDF Print E-mail


On June 21 2014, commencement ceremony of “St. MovsesKhorenatsi” preschool ‘s 2013-2014 graduates took place at GalustGulbenkyan hall of “Hayartun” center. Festively decorated Gulbenkyan hall seemed even more beautiful with the outfits of the graduating class and abundance of flowers.

The head of the educational department of the diocese YevgeniaMarkosyan greeted honorable guests and parents, and invited the 16 boys and girls who their beautiful farewell concert at the preschool.

The hall was filled with the beautiful and correct Armenian speech of the children, accompanied by poetry readings, songs and dances. Admired by the performances the guests saw the children’s love for the Armenian Church, the nation and the motherland, developed through years of education and the hard work of preschool’s teachers LalaGevorgyan, NarineGhushchyan, deacon GevorgAntonyan and others.

AnzhelaKhachatryan thanked the management of the Armenian diocese and preschool’s teachers, while “Hayartun” center’s benefactor Boris Saakov from Novosibirsk and diocese’s head of the cultural department LevonChidilyan offered congratulatory remarks. The latter also presented diplomas, issued by Armenia’s ministry of diaspora, to “St. MovsesKhorenatsi” preschool’s principle YevgeniaMarkosyan and “St. Gregory the Illuminator” Saturday schoolteacher Tamara Gaboyan, for their efforts and input in preserving Armenian language and upbringing in the diaspora.

The event was concluded by words of appreciation and blessings delivered by the head of the Armenian diocese bishop VazgenMirzakhanyan. Mirzakhanyan congratulated the crowd with one of Armenian Church’s most important holidays – the exit of St. Gregory the Illuminator from KhorVirap, as well as distributed degrees among the 16 graduating students of the preschool.

At the end, under the leadership of the diocese head,the unbaptized students of the preschool were baptized at St. Echmiatsin Armenian Church of Tbilisi.

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