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The 125th anniversary of the birth of Ioseb Grishashvili was solemnly celebrated at the Hayartun Center PDF Print E-mail

Иосифа Гришашвили

The Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the Hayartun Center at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia hosted an evening in memory of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Ioseb Grishashvili, on May 24, 2014, under the auspices of the Hayartun Center and at the initiative of the Union of Armenian Musicians of Georgia, the Vernatun Union of Armenian Writers of Georgia. Armenian and Georgian artists and the readership attended the event.

Artem Kirakozov, Chairman of the Union of Armenian Musicians of Georgia, hosted the evening. An audio recording of Ioseb Grishashvili reciting his own poems and demonstration of a short film about Kharpukh District by Giovanni Vepkhvadze marked the beginning of the event.

Zhora Snkhchyan, Chairman of the Vernatun Union of Armenian Writers of Georgia, spoke about life, work and literary collaborations of the famous Georgian poet with the Armenian literature. Makvala Gonashvili, Chairperson of the Writer’s Union of Georgia, touched upon scheduled for the next day Vardaton (Feast of Roses) in honor of Sayat-Nova, and highlighted that Ioseb Grishashvili was one of the initiators and founders of the Vardaton celebrations. The Chairperson of the Writer’s Union of Georgia proposed to establish the Sayat-Nova Literary Prize.

The poetess and translator Anahit Bostanjyan spoke about Ioseb Grishasvili’s translations of Hovhannes Tumanyan, Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, and Azat Vshtuni in particular. She acknowledged Ioseb Grishashvili’s friendly connections with Armenian creative thought and presented a book dedicated to Grishashvili, published in the 1990s’ by Kamurj Publishing House, which featured the Armenian translation of the works by great writer and his translation of works of the Armenian literature.

Students of the St. Prophet Eghia Sunday School at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia under the guidance of their teacher Roza Zohrabyan and the poet Gari Kalamkarov recited Armenian and Georgian versions of translation by Ioseb Grishashvili from the Armenian literature. The delegation of the Writer’s Union of Armenia headed by Edward Militonyan also joined the event. The delegation arrived to attend the jubilee celebrations of Vardaton(Feast of Roses) in honor of Sayat-Nova scheduled for Sunday. This event conducted by Armenian people paid tribute to the memory of Ioseb Grishashvili.

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