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Launching of three books at the Hayartun Center at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia PDF Print E-mail

grqi shnorhandes

The Vernatun Union of Armenian Writers of Georgia and the Hayartun Center at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia launched three books - Colorful Dream Rainbow by deceased Viktor Hovsepyan, The Land of Stones by Armine Gevorkyan and an almanac Zartonk (Awakening) of the Literary Sprouts Club - on May 17, 2014 in the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall. Writers from Ninotsminda, Hovsepyan’s family members, high school students from the Armenian schools of Tbilisi and Ninotsminda and the readership attended the event.

Gevorg Snkhchyan, Chairman of the Union of Armenian Writers of Georgia, opened the event after the Lord’s Prayer, he touched upon the center’s tradition to launch recently published books and thanked the businessmen brothers Arsen and Tatul Gharslyan for sponsorship of Viktor Hovsepyan’s book, the RA Ministry of Diaspora for sponsorship of the almanac Zartonk (Awakening) and Armine Gevorkyan’s parents for publishing the works of their talented daughter.

Armine Gevorkyan was excited to present her first collection of poems that expressed patriotism and were dedicated to the stony earth of her motherland and the great fatherland from the world of dreams. Nane Hovsepyan expressed her sincere appreciation for presenting one more collection of her father’s works to the public.

Each speaker appreciated the strategies to promote a deep approach to reading by publishing new and valuable books. Anahit Bostanjyan recommended publishing the books on Georgian-Armenian literary relations, the enrichment of literary and critical thinking and how literary translation bridges the connections between two neighboring nations et.al. Van Bayburtyan, the editor of a newspaper Vrastan (Georgia), said that the presentation of Viktor Hovsepyan’s valuable book along with the books by young writers is incompatible, he insisted on separate event to pay tribute to the work by Viktor Hovsepyan.

His Eminence Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, delivered a speech in which he blessed the audience and appreciated the organization of similar events. He stressed the vital role of the Vernatun Union in education of decent literary generation and the importance to preserve and develop the Armenian literary thinking in Georgia.

After that the Chairman of the Vernatun Union announced the decision of the Board to admit Armine Gevorkyan and Aram Melikyan, the authors and laureates of the Literary Sprouts Club, as the members of the Vernatun Union of Armenian Writers of Georgia.

The actors of Tbilisi State Drama Theatre after Petros Adamyan and high school students from the Victor Hovsepyan School of Heshtia village in Ninotsminda region recited poems from the released books. Musician Isai Abovyan performed wonderful piano pieces during the event.

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