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Presentation of three books at the “Hayartun” Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia PDF Print E-mail

Tatul Hakobyan

On March 23, 2014 reporter from Yerevan Tatul Hakobyan visited the “Hayartun” Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia. At the beginning of the meeting with the Armenian community of Tbilisi the freelance journalist presented Civilitas Foundation; Vartan Oskanian, former Foreign Minister of Armenia, is the founder and Chairman of this foundation.

The reporter informed that it has already become a tradition to present the Civilitas Annual report during public meetings. This time it was published under the title “Armenia 2013: A Year of Expectations and Surprises.” The report was distributed to attendees.

After that the reporter presented Vartan Oskanian’s book “On Path to Independence”. In this book the former Foreign Minister of Armenia brought out the work carried out during his tenure as the country’s first diplomat, which includes discussions, struggle, and diplomatic steps hidden from the public eye. The speaker informed the audience that Vartan Oskanian in his book wrote a particular chapter about policy pursued by the neighboring state of Georgia, the activities conducted during isolation and blockade, when the only access of Armenia to the outside world was through Georgia, about diplomatic activities carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia under the guidance of Vartan Oskanian.

Tatul Hakobyan also presented his books “Karabakh Diary, Green and Black” and “Armenians and Turks”. It is worth noting that Hakobyan’s books have been translated into Turkish, and they shed light on many perverted questions. The books’ author told about the presentation in Istanbul, what kept the audience attention in particular, and noted that Turkish people with great interest bought the aforementioned books.

After that the author answered the questions of the audience, which related to the Artsakh Liberation War, Turkish and Azerbaijani approach to the Artsakh War and the issue of the Armenian Genocide in particular.  

Armenian (Հայերեն)Georgian (ქართული)English (United Kingdom)Russian (Русский)