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Interlacement of poetry and art in one man PDF Print E-mail


On March 22, the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the “Hayartun” Center at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia hosted a meeting with a famous poet and extraordinary artist Arevshat Avagyan, which harmonized with the exhibition of works of the well-known poet and painter. The VernatunUnion of Armenian Writers of Georgia and the Union of Armenian Artists of Georgia, under the auspices of the “Hayartun” Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, organized a joint event, which was aimed to present to the Armenian community of Tbilisi the Armenian artist, an apologist for everything new and advanced, who lives inspired in the mainstream of art.

President of the “Vernatun” Union of Armenian Writers of Georgia Gevorg Snkhchyan opened the event. He presented Arevshat Avagyan’s life and career, spoke about his poetry 25 collections, 90 paintings, published books and organized exhibitions.

Everyone who delivered a speech – poet Michael Akhtyan, poet and translator Givi Shakhnazari, poetess and translator Anahit Bostanjyan, miniature artist Meruzhan Shahumayn characterized him as an avant-garde artist, an innovative person, active public figure, experienced specialist in study of literature, he is the Chairman of the board of the Armenian Cultural Foundation and a member of the Cultural Council.

The versatile meritorious journalist, who had been working for many years for Avangard Newspaper, “Garun” monthly magazine and many other newspapers and magazines, even today continues to create with juvenile ardor. Clinging with both feet to his native land, the soul of writer and artist soars out into the universe and gained spiritual experiences expresses sometimes through putting words down on the paper, and sometimes by means of bright and juicy colors creates clear and contemplative philosophical images.

Arevshat Avagyan has truly gathered great harvest over the years. Love, friendship, modernity and the universe were his life credo. Arevshat Avagyan highly appreciated Armenian-Georgian friendship and has contributed to the preparation of two volumes of Anthology of Armenian Literature, he wrote an introduction to the book.

Secretary of the WritersUnion of Georgia and editor of “Tsiskari” magazine Arabuli, stressing the importance to transfer Armenian-Georgian friendship to a new generation, recalled the cooperation of Armenian “Garun” and Georgian “Tsiskari” magazines, which dedicated one issue to the Armenian and Georgian literatures.

At the end of the event the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan blessed the audience, on behalf of Arevshat Avagyan he expressed his opinion about the image of Armenian intellectual, stressed the importance of cultural development, preservation of national values and forming a new image of Armenian. His Grace appreciated the development of Armenian-Georgian friendship, and activities aimed at the rapprochement of cultures and art.

Declamation of Arevshat Avagyan’s poems in Armenian and Georgian translation interrupted the event; Meritorious Teacher Roza Zohrabyan had created this literary performance, in which the students of St. Prophet Eghia Sunday school and Public Schools № 103 and №104 took part. Charming performance of musician from Yerevan Arsen Hambaryan, as well as singers of the “Hayartun” Center at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia. 

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