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The 2011-2013 Final report of performed tasks at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia PDF Print E-mail



During the period under review at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia the following churches and chapels were built and repaired:

2011 - On June 10, 2011 during the visit to Georgia of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians the consecration ceremony of the reconstructed Surb Etchmiadzin Church was held and the opening of the newly built “Hayartun” Center took place.

Surb Karapet Church in Gandza village of Ninotsminda region was repaired and sanctified.

Surb Harutyun (Holy Resurrection) Church in Abul village of Akhalkalaki region was repaired and sanctified.

2012 - The Church of Surb Hovhannes-Karapet in Kartsakh village of Akhalkalaki region was repaired and sanctified.

Surb Hreshtakapetats Church (Church of the Holy Archangels) in Jigrashen village of Ninotsminda region was repaired and sanctified.

Chapel Srbots Avetaranchats (Holy Evangelists) of village Tsiteli in Marneuli region was built and sanctified.

2013 - Surb Astvatsatsin Church ("Holy Mother of God") in Merenia village of Akhalkalaki region was repaired and sanctified,

Surb Astvatsatsin Church ("Holy Mother of God") in Small Daghet village of Tetritskaro region was repaired and sanctified,

Surb Mesrop Mashtots Church in Mamzara village of Ninotsminda region was built and sanctified,

Surb Astvatsatsin Church in Shahumyan village of Marneuli region was repaired and sanctified,

Holy Trinity Church in Alatuman village of Akhalkalaki region was repaired and sanctified.

2. Religious and Church Activity – the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Holy Church in Georgia marks every feast according to the New Style Calendar, in accordance with the calendar of Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. In operating churches divine services are conducted, on Sundays and holidays the Liturgies are celebrated, religious feasts are accompanied by observance of folk traditions, organization of sermons and performing works with general public. Every year the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia participates in and hosts ecumenical prayer held in Tbilisi.

The Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia focuses on organization of pilgrimages and familiarizes faithful with Armenian historical places. During the period under review took place:

2011- Pilgrimage to historic sites in Western Armenia,

2013 - Pilgrimage to the Armenian medieval monasteries in Lori, a pilgrimage to Surb Hovhannes Chapel in Mets Parni village (Galtakhchi), a pilgrimage to Artsakh.

Religious and church events are properly conducted: the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Tbilisi and Javakheti, the traditional ceremony of blessing the grapes and the entire harvest in Tbilisi, Batumi and Akhalkalalki, the “Median Day of Lent” or Michink, the Feast Day of the Forty Martyrs, all religious ceremonies of the Holy Week and the Holy Resurrection in Tbilisi, Javakheti and Batumi.

Regularly the clergymen visit places of detention, prisoners are provided with allowed items, clothing and other accessories. The church acts as an intermediary when filing petitions for pardon of Armenian prisoners.

At the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia were organized:

2012Conference entitled Armenian Churches in Tbilisi Yesterday and Today, in Javakheti the joint meeting of the clergy and officials of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia.

2013 - Annual report of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia to the Board of Trustees. The meeting of the clergy and the officials of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia took place in Georgian settlement Tserovani. Organization of the round-table meeting with the representatives of civic organizations and the community problems discussion took place.

A) Memorial services were held – for the victims of the Armenian massacres of Sumgait, for victims of Syrian war, for Armenian Genocide victims, for the earthquake victims – at the Khachkar (cross-stone) in the “Khojivank” Pantheon, on Hovhannes Tumanyan’s birthday - at his gravestone in the “Khojivank” Pantheon, on the 70th birthday anniversary of G. Khachaturyan – at her gravestone, in Surb Etchmiadizn Church – on Gurgen Markaryan’s birthday and the day of his murder, for the Georgian troops killed in Afghanistan, for victims of August 2008.

B) Over the last years religious feasts with observance of accompanying them folk customs were solemnly celebrated – the Feast of the Lord’s Presentation to the Temple (Tiarn’ndaraj), the Feast of St. Sarkis the Captain, Vardavar - Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Feast of Holy Ascension, which is accompanied by folk celebrations called Dzhangyulum, Khachverats or the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Feast of St. Gregory the Illuminator’s deliverance from the pit, et al.

C) Christening ceremonies were organized: in Surb Khach Church of Akhalkalaki, in villages Tsiteli, Mirzoevka, Khrzhorni, Damia of Marneuli region, to baptize at the end of the academic year the undipped students of kindergarten and one-day schools has become a good tradition.

D) The sermons and works with general public are organized: the events marking Commemoration Days of St. Gayane, Hripsime and Shushanik, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Feast of the Translators Sahak Partev, Mesrop Mashtots and their disciples.

The visit of Armenian youth to the Jewish Synagogue and the Muslim Mosque was organized.

3. CULTURAL ACTIVITY – The “Hayartun” Center was built in 2011. In 2011-2013 the following events were held at the Diocese:

A) Local events:

2011 - Hovhannes Tumanyan’s birthday, the 100th anniversary of Alexander Mantashev’s death, Michael Aramyants 170th Jubilee were marked, the evenings consecrated to the memory of Calouste Gulbenkian and Garegin Nzhdeh were held.

2012 – Concerts – celebration of the Holy Nativity, a joint concert featuring Children's Choir "Aghbyur" of Surb Prkich Church in Batumi and St. Nerses Shorhali Youth Choir of the “Hayartun” Center, the concert entitled “National Singer and the New Select for Duduk”, Anahit Harutyunyan’s and Ruben Voskanyan’s solo concerts, charity concerts featuring Anna Poghosova, Nina Karapetyan and Genrikh Petrosyan. St. Nerses Shorhali Youth Choir for the first time performed on air at Georgian Public Broadcaster. St. Nerses Shorhali Youth Choir’s concert was held.

2013 – the celebration of the Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ at the “Hayartun” Center, evenings of jazz, classical and guitar music, “Parade of Trumpeters”, Anna Poghosova’s, Genrikh Petrosyan’s and Nina Karapetyan’s solo concerts, Anahit Harutyunyan’s and Ruben Voskanyan’s farewell concerts took place, the concert of «Drum School» Youth Percussion Ensemble of Tbilisi School of Arts № 20 named after A. Shanidze was organized, evening with trumpet-player Gary Antonyan and his disciples took place. Georgian opera singers visited the “Hayartun” Center. The meeting with the wives of plenipotentiary diplomats and representatives in Tbilisi took place.

B) Large-scale events – national and public holidays of the Republic of Armenia were celebrated with great pomp.

2011In the big concert hall of V.Sarajishvili Tbilisi state conservatory through the efforts of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia a concert, marking the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia, was held. A concert, dedicated the 90th anniversary of the birth of composer Arno Babajanyan, featuring newly created groups of the Center was held at Tbilisi Art Hall, in the Akaki Khorava House of Actors a concert, dedicated to the liberation of Shushi, took place. Every year the organization “Vardaton” in honor of Sayat-Nova becomes larger in scale, for the first time it took place on the Vakhtang Gorgasali Square in front of the Armenian Cathedral of Saint George.

2012 – A concert, dedicated to the liberation of Shushi, took place at Tbilisi Art Hall, the veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War and the Artsakh Liberation War were invited, the traditional ashik festival to honor the memory of gusan Havasi in Tsalka, a solo concert of dance ensemble “Jeyran” in Yerevan were organized, in connection with temporary closure of Surb Gevorg Church due to reconstruction work the event was organized in the yard of the church.

2013Evening with a pianist Mamikon Nahapetov took place, a solo concert of "Ars Lunga" Piano-Cello duo in memory of Armenian Genocide victims took place in the big hall of the Sheraton Metechi Palace. At Tbilisi Art Hall a concert dedicated to the 22nd Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia and the 10th Anniversary of dance ensemble “Jeyran” was organized, the center representatives participated in the event marking the International Friendship Day, declared by the United Nations.

A variety of charitable events to help the Syrian Armenians were held: a concert at Tbilisi Art Hall, dedicated to the St. Vardanants Day, where exhibition-sale of works of Armenian artists in Georgia to help the Armenians of Syria was organized. In small hall of V.Sarajishvili Tbilisi state conservatory a charity concert featuring Armenian and Georgian artist was held to help the Armenians of Syria.

Celebrations of May Triple holiday took place, the 95th Anniversary of Satkha Heroic Resistance was solemnly marked, Jivani’s Day was Celebrated in Javakheti, Vahan Terian poetry day was celebrated in Gandza village, a holiday paying tribute to gusan Havasi in Tsalka was held, Artsakh State Choir gave a concert in Surb Etchmiadzin Church.

C) Festivals

2012 - St. Nerses Shorhali Senior Choir, dance ensembles “Ani” and “Jeyran” participated in "My Armenia» pan Armenian festival.

2013Dance ensemble “Jeyran” participated in Bravo Festival, every year dance groups “Ani” and “Jeyran” take part in Tbilisoba Festival. St. Nerses Shorhali Youth Choir participated in in the “Komitas Vardapet” Pan-Armenian Festival.

D) Memorial evenings took place:

2011 - Michael Aramyants 170th Jubilee was marked, the 100th anniversary of Alexander Mantashev’s death, Archbishop Gevorg Seraydaryan memorial evening, the 100th anniversary of Garegin Nzhdeh, evening consecrated to the memory of Calouste Gulbenkian, evening consecrated to the memory of Armenian novelists Tserun Torgomyan and Mkrtich Aslanyan took place .

2012An evening consecrated to the memory of Pitoev family, Paruyr Muradyan memorial evening.

2013 - An evening consecrated to the memory of Levon Ananian, Sargis Darchinyan memorial evening, the Department of Armenian Studies at Ivane Javakhishlivi Tbilisi State University hosted scientific conference in memory of Levon Melikset-Bek.

E) Book publishing and presentation

2011the presentation of bilingual book of Sayat-Nova’s poems (in Armenian and in Georgian translation by Givi Shakhnazari) published with financial support from the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, took place in the National Library, the publication and presentation of bilingual book about Alexander Mantashev by Yenok Tadevosyan in Armenian and Russian, the publication of books by Gevorg Snkhchyan and Anahit Bostanjyan and organization of the conference in the National Library were held.

2012Every year under the auspices of the “Hayartun” Center the books of the writers – members of the VernatunUnion of Armenian Writers of Georgia are published. Books of Lilit Snkhchyan, Khazhak Yepremyan, Silva Sipan became popular.

2013the meeting with Vardan Hakobyan, a writer from Artsakh and the presentation of his book “The breath of Stone”, the presentation of the book entitled “Songs in prose about Tbilisi” by the native of Tbilisi Gregory Harutyunyan, the presentation of the next issue of Almanac “Vernatun”, the presentation of storybook “Call Me as Your Son” by meritorious journalist of Georgia Arsen Yeremyan, the presentation of collection of prose works by Hovhannes Marikyan and Sergey Arakelyan, the presentation of book by Giovanni Vepkhvadze took place.

F) Recitals:

2012 - Evening dedicated to 60th birth anniversary of Gevorg Snkhchyan,

2013Evenings with M. Grigoryan and musician Levon Shakhbazyan, a meeting with American Armenian, literary critic Hovsep Nalbandian.


G) The meetings were held:

2011 - Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, the President of the Republic of Armenia, visited Surb Etchmiadzin Church of Tbilisi and attended the opening ceremony of the bust of Alexander Mantashev.

2012 – Charles Aznavour, Mantashev’s descendants, Aramyants’s great-grandson and his spouse, Tigran Mansuryan, Sona Van, famous Georgian novelist Revaz Mishveladze, representatives of AGBU virtual university, actors of Georgian-Armenian movie Anniversary Client, high-ranking officials of the Republic of Armenia visited Surb Etchmiadzin Church of Tbilisi and the “Hayartun” Center, their meetings with public were organized.

2013 - Georgia’s Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili, the Mayor of Tbilisi Gigi Ugulava and other high ranking officials visited the “Hayartun” center. The meeting with Tigran Mansuryan, Robert Amirkhanyan in the National library, the meeting with RA Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan took place. The meeting with the Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan and the former Mayor of Tbilisi Gigi Ugulava was arranged at the “Hayartun” Center.

The meetings with famous Georgian novelist Revaz Mishveladze, President of the Writers’ Union of Georgia Makvala Gonashvili, Armenian writers who write in foreign languages - Garry Kalamkarov, Michael Ananov, Grigory Harutyunyan, as well as with other famous people of different nationalities were held.

Every year series of events in memory of Armenian Genocide victims are organized – a demonstration, a requiem service, a peaceful procession in the central city area, a torchlight procession, a rally and a protest action in front of Turkish Embassy take place.

We work closely with creative unions and every year the festivals of sweet pastry “gata”, harisa and dolma are held, cultural and educational centers are being established.

In 2012 in Akhaltsikhe Vahram Gayfejyan Arts Centre, the commemorative plaque and a library were solemnly opened.

In 2013 the Rafael Javakhk Gharslyan Educational Cultural and Youth Center in Nonotsminda was opened.

H) Exhibitions – the “Hayartun” Center hosted different exhibitions:

2011A posthumous exhibition of Zhan Khach’s paintings was organized,

2012 – An exhibition of works by women artists, dedicated to the 70th birthday anniversary of Gayane Khachaturyan, an exhibition of works by artist from Batumi Hrach Sechenyan, Azat Manukyan photography exhibition, an exhibition of ceramic works by Levon Osipov, an exhibition entitled Armenian Churches of Tbilisi Yesterday and Today, as well as handwork exhibitions took place.

The National Parliamentary Library of Georgia hosted an exhibition of old Armenian manuscripts to mark the 500th anniversary of Armenian printing. Yerevan hosted an exhibition of works by Armenian artists entitled The Motherland Calls, the “Hayartun” Center participated in ART-EXPO exhibit in Yerevan.

2013 – The National Library hosted and exhibition of works by Armenian and Georgian artists, and exhibition entitled "Armenian Golgotha” marking the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide took place in Tbilisi and Javakheti, the “Hayartun” Center hosted the exhibitions of works by Giorgy Manosyan, Robert Nersesov and his students, as well as photographer Edward Badoyan, an exhibition of miniature paintings by artists Meruzhan Shahumyan and Gohar Akopyan, and exhibition of children’s drawings.

4. Educational programs – the Armenian language learning system for one-day schools in Tbilisi, Samtskhe-Javakheti and Adjaria was formed.

Distribution of textbooks, projects interchange, and cooperation with public schools are conducted regularly. Some events were organized to raise teacher’s professional knowledge level. Attention is paid to participation of teachers that are involved in education system in refresher courses, organized by the RA Ministry of Diaspora and the RA Ministry of Education and Science.

The kindergartens were opened in Tbilisi and Aragova village.

2011New Year celebrations featuring the students of St. Movses Khorenatsi Kindergarten and St. Grigor Narekatsi Sunday school students were organized, the event dedicated to the first St. Movses Khorenatsi Kindergarten graduates took place.

2012 - It started with New Year celebration in the kindergarten, holidays marking “Spring”, “Autumn Beauty”, and “Easter” were held as well. During spring vacations Department of Education invited upperclassmen from “Mkhitar Sebastatsi” Educational Complex in Yerevan. The agreements were signed between the “Hayartun” Center and Tbilisi Public School № 98, the “Hayartun” Center and Mkhitar Sebastatsi” Educational Complex in Yerevan, one-day school students took an exam and in a solemn atmosphere received certificates. A farewell performance of the first St. Movses Khorenatsi Kindergarten graduates took place.

2013 – The “Hayartun” Center hosted a tour of “Purpik” Puppet Theatre from Javakheti, Sunday school students presented Armenia at quiz contest, St. Movses Khorenatsi Kindergarten students visited the Armenian school which they would soon attend. A farewell matinee of the St. Movses Khorenatsi Kindergarten students, an exhibition and sale of works of children with disabilities of Armenian Association for the Disabled PYUNIC (Phoenix) took place. One-day school students on International Mother Language Day arrange different events, during which they demonstrate their knowledge.

The art group of the Department of Education arranged a Paper Show, during which the children demonstrated the results of their handwork (clothing and accessories) made from different types of paper. The group participated in a competition and exhibition of children’s drawings held in Yerevan, presented its works at the competition “Let’s Soar, or Create an Image of Tatev” and four children with teacher Tamara Sulkhanishvili were invited to Artsakh. This group organized an exhibition-contest of Christmas trees created with recycled materials, in which the students of different public schools and the aesthetic education groups took part. The Department of Education invited a group of Armenian teachers from Stepanakert and Yerevan.

5. Department of Youth Affairs Activity – This department organized:

Pilgrimages – to Armenian historical sites in Georgia, to Armenia and Artsakh were organized. Training for young leaders of community was arranged - young and talented people from the Armenian-populated regions of Georgia were invited, conferences and seminars were organized, the meeting of church-loving youth took place, reciprocal visits and cooperation programs are being organized, the “Hayartun” Center at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia hosted a conference and seminar of training for young leaders, a project in Tserovani settlement took place.

Visits and receptions took place - members of “Narekatsi” Youth Union at St. Grigor Narekatsi Church of the Gughark Diocese visited Tbilisi, deacons of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary came to Tbilisi, the youth from Artsakh visited the Georgian capital, youth from Armenia got acquainted with the history and the present of Tbilisi Armenians, a visits of group of church-loving youth from Yerevan and Ararat region.

Sports tournaments were held- sports events for the Hayartun Cup. Different schools of the capital participated in the tournaments.

Department of Youth Affairs takes care of the Tbilisi Pantheon of the Armenian Writers and Public Figures “Khojivank” – youth groups frequently go on duty, do voluntary work, plant trees.

Department pays attention to the elderly and socially vulnerable groups, young people visit lonely older people, help the needy to solve different medical, legal and social issues. Food aid is provided throughout the year.

Work on popularization of national songs and dances among young people is conducted. “Taron” Youth Amateur Dance Ensemble was created, here every Sunday young people learn national songs and dances. This dance ensemble successfully performs during religious and national holidays.

Several memorial evenings, consecrated to the memory of heroes of the Artsakh Liberation War, took place. The youth of the Diocese, under the guidance of Priest Narek Ghushchyan, organized meetings twice a month, during which they submitted reports on heroes of Artsakh liberation struggle.

Diocesan Department of Youth Affairs actively participates in scouting and camping life. In July a group of 22 young boys and girls spent summer vacation at “Andranik” scout’s camp two years in a row. Several groups participated in “Ari Tun” Program as well.

The Department of Youth Affairs takes an active part in protest actions – in front of Turkish Embassy on Armenian Genocide Commemoration day, showed a flash mob performance in front of Georgia's parliament building, as well as in Batumi – in front of the building of the Government of Autonomous Republic, in connection with the murder of Gurgen Markarian and Safarov’s release from prison a protest action was organized in front of Azerbaijani Embassy.

6. Press and Media Department – During the period under review the department worked hard to provide coverage of activities at the Diocese and distribute information.

In 2011 it recorded every event and distributed information through Armenian, Georgian and Russian mass media.

In 2012 - the website of the Diocese in four languages, pages in social networks Facebook.com and Odnoklassniki.ru were created. Live link-up with Tigran Mansuryan, the leader of Armenian Community in Syria, and with Stepanakert took place.

Since 2013 it has become possible to establish communication with the faithful and community members via SMS. Nearly 10 000 phone numbers receive event and holiday SMS invitation. A week prior to event announcement in different languages is posted on the internet, which leads to satisfactory results.

Since the second half of 2013 Press and Media Department has been making video news reports. The events are recorded with video camera and video stories are made, which later are posted on the internet. Video records of clergymen speaking about religious feasts and sacraments 2-3 days earlier bring a great revival. The Feast of St. Sarkis the Captain, the Feast of the Lord’s Presentation to the Temple ( Tiarn’ndaraj), Boon Barekendan(or Original Carnival), and Great Lent were defined.

The department actively collaborates with Georgian and Armenian mass media. Almost every event was covered by Armenian program on Georgian Public Broadcasting TV, TV channels Rustavi-2, Georgian Channel -1, Imedi, Maestro and others. Public Television of Armenia – H1, Armenia TV, Shoghakat TV frequently make video stories about the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia. Only in 2014 Television of Armenia – H1 prepared 4 video stories, Shoghakat TV – 4 video stories, Armenia TV – 2 video stories.

Department of Legal Affairs, the Relationship with the State, Inter-religious Cooperation cooperates with religious organizations and Patriarchate.

In December 2013 according to the established order the Diocese of the Armenian Church took over the Chairmanship of Religious Council.

During the period under review we received high-ranking officials of Armenia and Georgia, the meetings with Georgian public and political figures took place.

Top-level Georgian officials (the President, Prime Minister, the Mayor of Tbilisi, Ministers and the Members of Parliament) visit the Armenian Church on the Feast of the Holy Nativity and celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, offer their holiday greetings to the Diocese, as well as on Armenian Genocide Commemoration day and the Earthquake victims commemoration come and express their sympathy to the Armenian people.

In 2012 Representatives of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia participated in The Second Georgian-Iranian International Scholarly Conference,

In 2013 the representative of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia Levon Isakhanyan attended the 15th Congress of Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe in Bratislava, as well as Pan-Armenian Forum of Lawyers in Yerevan.

In 2013 the Primate of the Diocese and the Head of the Legal Department participated in a Regional Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief. The Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia welcomed and blessed released from jail political prisoners of Armenian origin Armen Grigoryan, Ruben Shekoyan and Vahagn Chakhalyan.

The Armenian community of Tbilisi had organized various charitable events to help the Syrian Armenians and handed over donations to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

In 2013 the meetings with Georgian Presidential Candidates Nino Burjanazde and Shalva Natelashvili were organized. The “Hayartun” Center hosted meetings with the representatives of opposition - David Darchiashvili, Member of Parliament of Georgia David Berdzenishvili, with a famous sociologist and historian Claire Mouradian. Series of events will continue. The department participated in the events, dedicated to the International Day for Tolerance.

Social services – Department helps large families, needy and lonely people. Pre-New Year assistance was provided to needy families, Armenian needy families in Adjara received New Year gifts and firewood. In Tbilisi on Easter and on celebrations in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary gift-giving took place. To entertain kids from needy families Gary Davtyan Puppet and Culture House had a tour in Javakheti, these children also received presents.

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