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Children from socially vulnerable families received presents PDF Print E-mail


On February 5, at the invitation of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia and the International Organization Samaritan's Purse, the children from socially vulnerable families of Krtsanisi and Isani Districts of Tbilisi visited the “Hayartun” Center.

Priest of Surb Etchmiadzin Church at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia Manuk Zeynalyan welcomed the audience. He reminded that Jesus expressed his great love for people and children in particular, he urged the audience to love the Son of God the same way. Priest Manuk Zeynalyan underlined that those presents, which children of different nationalities and from different countries through the agency of the International Organization Samaritan's Purse had sent to their peers, were the expression of great love transmitted from Jesus. Ter Manuk expressed his gratitude to the International Organization Samaritan's Purse and Deputy Coordinator of the International Organization Samaritan's Purse in Georgia Karen Yeritsian for the expression of love and giving presents to the children from vulnerable families of those two districts of the capital.

On behalf of the audience performing Tbilisi Mayor's duties Sevdia Ugrekhelidze, Krtsanisi District Administrator Khatuna Berdzenishvili, Isani District Administrator Tornike Khutsishvili and others expressed their gratitude for the hospitality to the “Hayartun” Center at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia and the International Organization Samaritan's Purse for creating moments of joy and happiness for the children.

A small concert with the participation of individual performer of the “Hayartun” Center Anna Poghosova was held.

All the children attending the event came back home in a good mood with presents from the International Organization Samaritan's Purse. 

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