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Council of Women of Georgia visited Gary Davtyan Puppet and Culture House PDF Print E-mail


On January 18, at the initiative of the Association of Armenian Women in Georgia “Shushanik”, Gary Davtyan Puppet and Culture House hosted a meeting with the members of the Council of Women of Georgia. The meeting was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the above mentioned organization. The meeting, which was held within the framework of the anniversary, was attended by Chairperson of the Council of Women of Georgia, Academician Mzekala Shanidze, Deputy Chairman Ketevan Gabruashvili, Chairperson of the Council of Women of Abkhazia Roza Kukhalashvili, other members of the council, as well as Alla Bezhentseva from the Russian community of Georgia, Valentina Marjanishvili from the Ukrainian community, Lili Safarova from the Kurdish community. Zhanna Davtyan, Headmistress of Gary Davtyan Puppet and Culture House, with her daughter and the members of the Association of Armenian Women in Georgia “Shushanik” welcomed the guests in the cultural house.

Meeting "Over a cup of tea" was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Chairperson of the Association of Armenian Women in Georgia “Shushanik” Susanna Khachaturian welcomed the members of the Council of Women and congratulated them on the anniversary.

Chairperson of the Council of Women of Georgia Mzekala Shanidze highly appreciated the cooperation of Armenian and Georgian women’s organizations; she stressed in particular joint participation in charitable activities, organization of events and exhibitions honoring friendship, etc. The Honorable Chairperson underlined the fact that the meeting of Armenian and Georgian women took place in this house. She bowed before the memory of master Gary Davtyan, the creator of this place, whose rich imagination, skillful hands and warm-heartedness revived the local color of Old Tbilisi in this chimney corner of Avlabari, she also emphasized his optimistic faith for a brighter tomorrow of Tbilisi in the dark days of the ‘90s.

Headmistress Zhanna Davtyan presented every puppet of the Puppet and Culture House. With the help of Mrs. Zhanna the guests watched selections from fabulous puppet “performances”

The meeting was held in a joyful and warm atmosphere. 

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tkd aw 

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